Abstract:The ballistic coefficient is an important source of error in the orbit prediction of non-cooperative targets. For a large number of non-cooperative targets, calculating quickly the ballistic coefficient with the limited measurement and control resources is an urgent need. In this paper, based on the semi-major axis attenuation information of the two line element (TLE), an improved ballistic coefficient calculation algorithm is studied. Through polynomial smooth detection and quadratic discrimination, three situations, ie. outliers, orbital maneuvers and geomagnetic storms are identified. The basis for constructing semi-major axis attenuation observations is analyzed, and the influence of different observation arc lengths on the calculation of ballistic coefficients is compared. The accuracy of the ballistic coefficients is evaluated using the data of Tiangong-1, and the ballistic coefficients are used in the prediction of Tiangong-1’s reentry. The results show that the ballistic coefficients calculated based on the TLE elements are stable and accurate, and are suitable for non-cooperative target orbit prediction.
Key words:
- non-cooperative targets /
- orbit forecast /
- two line element /
- ballistic coefficient /
- reentry prediction
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