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赵杰彦 胡健 姚建勇 周海波 王俊龙 曹萌萌

赵杰彦,胡健,姚建勇,等. 基于自适应神经网络鲁棒观测器的EHA故障诊断与容错控制[J]. 北京航空航天大学学报,2023,49(5):1209-1221 doi: 10.13700/j.bh.1001-5965.2021.0416
引用本文: 赵杰彦,胡健,姚建勇,等. 基于自适应神经网络鲁棒观测器的EHA故障诊断与容错控制[J]. 北京航空航天大学学报,2023,49(5):1209-1221 doi: 10.13700/j.bh.1001-5965.2021.0416
ZHAO J Y,HU J,YAO J Y,et al. EHA fault diagnosis and fault tolerant control based on adaptive neural network robust observer[J]. Journal of Beijing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics,2023,49(5):1209-1221 (in Chinese) doi: 10.13700/j.bh.1001-5965.2021.0416
Citation: ZHAO J Y,HU J,YAO J Y,et al. EHA fault diagnosis and fault tolerant control based on adaptive neural network robust observer[J]. Journal of Beijing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics,2023,49(5):1209-1221 (in Chinese) doi: 10.13700/j.bh.1001-5965.2021.0416


doi: 10.13700/j.bh.1001-5965.2021.0416
基金项目: 国家自然科学基金(51975294);高性能复杂制造国家重点实验室开放课题基金(Kfkt2019-11);航天伺服驱动与传动技术实验室开放基金(LASAT-2021-0503)


  • 中图分类号: TP273

EHA fault diagnosis and fault tolerant control based on adaptive neural network robust observer

Funds: National Natural Science Foundation of China (51975294); Open Project Fund of State Key Laboratory of High Performance Complex Manufacturing (Kfkt2019-11); Open Fund of Laboratory of Aerospace Servo Actuation and Transmission (LASAT-2021-0503)
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  • 摘要:



  • 图 1  EHA系统结构

    Figure 1.  Structure of EHA system

    图 2  RBF神经网络结构

    Figure 2.  Structure of RBF neural network

    图 3  控制器结构

    Figure 3.  Structure of controller

    图 4  各控制器跟踪误差曲线

    Figure 4.  Tracking error curves of each controller

    图 5  状态x1估计值及估计误差

    Figure 5.  Estimation value and error of state x1

    图 6  状态x2估计值及估计误差

    Figure 6.  Estimation value and error of state x2

    图 7  状态x3估计值及估计误差

    Figure 7.  Estimation value and error of state x3

    图 8  故障fx估计值及估计误差、残差

    Figure 8.  Estimation value, and error and residual of fault fx

    图 9  参数与非线性项估计曲线

    Figure 9.  Estimation of parameter and nonlinear term

    图 10  AMESim仿真平台搭建的EHA模型[25]

    Figure 10.  EHA model based on AMESim simulation platform[25]

    图 11  AMESim/Simulink联合仿真模型框图

    Figure 11.  Block diagram of AMESim/Simulink co-simulation model

    图 12  工况1下各控制器跟踪误差

    Figure 12.  Tracking error of each controller under ideal working condition

    图 13  工况2下各控制器跟踪误差

    Figure 13.  Tracking error of each controller under pipeline blockage condition

    图 14  工况3下各控制器跟踪误差

    Figure 14.  Tracking error of each controller under internal leakage condition

    图 15  工况4下各控制器跟踪误差

    Figure 15.  Tracking error of each controller under oil contamination condition

    表  1  正弦信号工况下的性能指标

    Table  1.   Performance index under sinusoidal signal condition

    控制器$M_{{\rm{e}}}$$ \mu $$ \sigma $
    PID0.008 9483.456×10−50.004 752
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    表  2  联合仿真系统参数

    Table  2.   Parameter of co-simulation system

    液压管路和油缸平均容积${V_{\rm{a} } }/{ { {\rm{m} }^{3} } }$398.1×10−7
    等效弹性模量${\beta _{\rm{e}}}/ {{\rm{MPa}}}$700×106
    泄漏系数$/({ {\rm{L·(min·MPa)} }^{-1} } )$1×10−12
    泵排量${D_{\rm{p} } }/( { { {\rm{cm} }^{ 3} }\cdot{\rm{r}^{-1} } } )$19×10−6
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    表  3  工况1下各控制器性能指标

    Table  3.   Performance index of each controller under condition 1

    控制器$M_{{\rm{e}}}$$ \mu $$ \boldsymbol{\sigma} $
    PID0.008 3990.000 190 50.005 632
    ARC0.001 3346.89×10−60.000 319
    BP-FTARC0.000 562 32.835×10−60.000 336
    RBF-FTARC0.000 409 32.625×10−60.000 176
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    表  4  工况2下各控制器性能指标

    Table  4.   Performance index of each controller under condition 2

    控制器$M_{{\rm{e}}}$$ \mu $$ \boldsymbol{\sigma} $
    PID0.013625.979×10−50.008 244
    ARC0.017633.603×10−60.002 419
    BP-FTARC0.004 6232.364×10−60.001 556
    RBF-FTARC0.001 9972.187×10−60.001 126
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    表  5  工况3下各控制器性能指标

    Table  5.   Performance index of each controller under condition 3

    控制器$M_{{\rm{e}}}$$ \mu $$ \sigma $
    PID0.034 580.000 493 50.01048
    ARC0.037 86−3.829×10−60.003 736
    BP-FTARC0.006 982−1.75×10−60.002 349
    RBF-FTARC0.003 9729.379×10−70.000 638 2
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    表  6  工况4下各控制器性能指标

    Table  6.   Performance index of each controller under condition 3

    控制器$M_{{\rm{e}}}$$ \mu $$ \sigma $
    PID0.023 415.949×10−50.007 908
    ARC0.031 19−3.605×10−60.000 855 2
    BP-FTARC0.007 8681.759×10−60.002 65
    RBF-FTARC0.003 789−9.339×10−70.000 650 2
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