EHA fault diagnosis and fault tolerant control based on adaptive neural network robust observer
Abstract:Aiming at the characteristics of high power density, complex working conditions, high integration of components and the wide variety of faults of electro hydrostatic actuator (EHA), a fault diagnosis and fault-tolerant controller of electro-hydro actuator based on an adaptive neural network robust observer is designed. A robust observer is proposed to observe the internal state of the model. The uncertain parameters, such as elastic modulus of hydraulic system is estimated by adaptive law; and the nonlinear, such as friction disturbance is approximated by radial basis function (RBF) neural network. The feedforward compensation method is used to compensate the fault and parameter uncertainty, and the robust term is designed to overcome other disturbances. By using Lyapunov stability theorem, it is proved that the proposed controller can realize the bounded stability of the system in the presence of faults. The co-simulation results show that the proposed controller has higher control accuracy and robustness than the traditional proportional, integral and differential controller (PID) and adaptive robust controller (ARC).
表 1 正弦信号工况下的性能指标
Table 1. Performance index under sinusoidal signal condition
控制器 $M_{{\rm{e}}}$ $ \mu $ $ \sigma $ PID 0.008 948 3.456×10−5 0.004 752 ARC 2.0×10−6 0.0001234 3.862×10−5 BP-FTARC 1.4×10−7 2.079×10−9 9.09×10−8 RBF-FTARC 8.355×10−8 8.619×10−10 6.033×10−8 表 2 联合仿真系统参数
Table 2. Parameter of co-simulation system
参数 数值 液压缸活塞和负载总质量$M$/kg 30 黏滞阻尼系数$B$/(N·(m·s−1)−1) 400 液压缸活塞面积$A$/${{\rm{m}}^2}$ 904.78×10−6 液压管路和油缸平均容积${V_{\rm{a} } }/{ { {\rm{m} }^{3} } }$ 398.1×10−7 等效弹性模量${\beta _{\rm{e}}}/ {{\rm{MPa}}}$ 700×106 泄漏系数$/({ {\rm{L·(min·MPa)} }^{-1} } )$ 1×10−12 泵排量${D_{\rm{p} } }/( { { {\rm{cm} }^{ 3} }\cdot{\rm{r}^{-1} } } )$ 19×10−6 表 3 工况1下各控制器性能指标
Table 3. Performance index of each controller under condition 1
控制器 $M_{{\rm{e}}}$ $ \mu $ $ \boldsymbol{\sigma} $ PID 0.008 399 0.000 190 5 0.005 632 ARC 0.001 334 6.89×10−6 0.000 319 BP-FTARC 0.000 562 3 2.835×10−6 0.000 336 RBF-FTARC 0.000 409 3 2.625×10−6 0.000 176 表 4 工况2下各控制器性能指标
Table 4. Performance index of each controller under condition 2
控制器 $M_{{\rm{e}}}$ $ \mu $ $ \boldsymbol{\sigma} $ PID 0.01362 5.979×10−5 0.008 244 ARC 0.01763 3.603×10−6 0.002 419 BP-FTARC 0.004 623 2.364×10−6 0.001 556 RBF-FTARC 0.001 997 2.187×10−6 0.001 126 表 5 工况3下各控制器性能指标
Table 5. Performance index of each controller under condition 3
控制器 $M_{{\rm{e}}}$ $ \mu $ $ \sigma $ PID 0.034 58 0.000 493 5 0.01048 ARC 0.037 86 −3.829×10−6 0.003 736 BP-FTARC 0.006 982 −1.75×10−6 0.002 349 RBF-FTARC 0.003 972 9.379×10−7 0.000 638 2 表 6 工况4下各控制器性能指标
Table 6. Performance index of each controller under condition 3
控制器 $M_{{\rm{e}}}$ $ \mu $ $ \sigma $ PID 0.023 41 5.949×10−5 0.007 908 ARC 0.031 19 −3.605×10−6 0.000 855 2 BP-FTARC 0.007 868 1.759×10−6 0.002 65 RBF-FTARC 0.003 789 −9.339×10−7 0.000 650 2 -
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