Simulation of cavity flow at high Mach number based on adaptive unstructured hybrid mesh
Ma >2)空腔流动,存在强激波、强剪切和分离涡,及其相互之间的干扰,流动复杂,网格分布及网格生成的质量对模拟结果影响很大。将建立的基于非结构混合网格的自适应探测器,应用到高马赫数空腔流动数值模拟中,通过空腔标模算例考核,验证了采用网格自适应技术可以更好地模拟存在大分离和强剪切的高马赫数空腔流动。开展了马赫数、雷诺数等流动参数对空腔流动特性影响的研究,随马赫数增大空腔内动压急剧升高,自由流和剪切层对后壁面的冲击效应明显增强,压力分布的不均匀程度提高,后壁面上的压力峰值均逐渐增大。雷诺数增大会使后壁面处的压力峰值增大,并且高马赫数条件相比于低马赫数条件下雷诺数对腔内压力分布的影响更显著。Abstract:The cavity flow, especially at high Mach numbers (
Ma >2), is complicated due to strong shock waves and shear, separation vortices, and their mutual interference. The mesh distribution and the quality of mesh generation thus significantly affect simulation results. The adaptive detector based on unstructured hybrid mesh established by our project team is applied to the numerical simulation of cavity flow at high Mach numbers. The evaluation of standard cavity model verifies that the high Mach number cavity flow with large separation and strong shear can be better simulated by mesh adaptive technique. The effect of flow parameters such as Mach number and Reynolds number on cavity flow characteristics are examined. With the increase of Mach numbers, the dynamic pressure in the cavity increases sharply, the shock effect of free flow and shear layer on the back wall increases obviously, the unevenness of pressure distribution increases, and the pressure peak on the back wall increases gradually. Increasing the Reynolds number leads to an increase in pressure peak at the back wall, and the effect of Reynolds numbers on the pressure distribution of the cavity becomes more significant at high Mach numbers than low Mach numbers.-
Key words:
- cavity flow /
- adaptation /
- Reynolds number /
- unstructured hybrid mesh /
- numerical simulation
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