Abstract:The inverse distance weight interpolation method has a wide range of applications in aerospace, but it only considers the distance relationship and ignores the azimuth relationship. This shortcoming is addressed by the adjusted inverse distance weight interpolation method with position shading, although it is only appropriate for plane interpolation. Based on the basic assumption of this method, according to the different spatial distribution of normalized sample points, this paper formulates a unified uniformity quantization standard based on the plane uniform angle and spherical uniform angle, and proposes a three-dimensional spatial interpolation method. This study proposes a new technique that significantly increases the effectiveness of interpolation by searching sample points close to the interpolation points. Through the calculation of test functions, it is found that compared with the inverse distance weight interpolation method, the error of the proposed method issignificantly reduced. The proposed method is applied to the aerodynamic loads interpolation of a civil aircraft nacelle, and the results show that the proposed method has the advantages of high efficiency and high accuracy.
表 1 测试函数
Table 1. Test functions
函数编号 函数表达式 1 ${x^2} + {y^2} + {{\textit{z}}^2}$ 2 ${x^3} + {y^3} + {{\textit{z}}^3} + x{y^2} + x{{\textit{z}}^2} + y{{\textit{z}}^2} + xy{\textit{z}}$ 3 $3{\left( {1 - x} \right)^2}{ {\text{e} }^{ - {x^2} - { {\left( {y + 1} \right)}^2} } } - 10\left( {x - {x^3} - {y^5} } \right){ {\text{e} }^{ - {x^2} } } - { {\text{e} }^{ - { {\left( {x + 1} \right)}^2} - {y^{2} } } /3} + { {\text{e} }^{\textit{z}}}$ 表 2 不同插值方法的计算耗时对比
Table 2. Comparison of computation time of different interpolation methods
s 样本点数 IDW Lu’s AIDW AIDW-DP 20×20×20 2.73 2.71 0.11 40×40×40 21.94 21.90 0.13 60×60×60 74.38 74.48 0.14 表 3 插值误差统计
Table 3. Statistics of interpolation error
插值方法 误差均值/${10^{ - 5}}$ 中误差/${10^{ - 4}}$ 最大误差/${10^{ - 3}}$ IDW 8.77 2.72 8.74 AIDW-DP 6.40 2.38 8.41 -
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