Influence of mistuning bolted joints on dynamic characteristics of thin-walled cylinder
Abstract:The performance degradation of bolted joints is a problem which should be considered for the safety of aero-engine. The concept of preload mistuning of bolted joints can characterize the performance degradation, and the preload mistuning amplitude and the preload mistuning ratio are used to illustrate the state of the preload mistuning. The influence of mistuning bolted joints on the dynamic characteristics of thin-walled cylinder was studied based on the combination of preload mistuning with the improved thin-layer element method of bolted joints. First of all, the deterministic analysis of the influence of preload mistuning on the thin-walled cylinder was proposed, including the influence of the natural frequency and steady-state response. Moreover, the influence of preload mistuning on the probabilistic response characteristics of thin-walled cylinder was researched considering the randomness of bolt preload. The results indicate that the separation degree of the same-order natural frequency of thin-walled cylinder increases with the decrease of preload mistuning amplitude, and presents a “double peak” characteristic with the increase of preload mistuning ratio. The preload mistuning makes the frequency corresponding to the response peak of thin-walled cylinder reduce but the amplitude increase. The random preload mistuning makes the frequency band of the response peak point wider, and when the input parameter is exponential distribution, the output parameter is Weibull distribution.
表 1 圆筒和螺栓的材料参数
Table 1. Material parameters of cylinder and bolts
参数 数值 弹性模量 E/GPa 195 泊松比 $\nu $ 0.3 密度 $\rho $/(kg·m−3) 7850 表面粗糙度 ${R_{\rm{a}}}$/${\text{μm} }$ 0.9 屈服极限 ${\sigma _{0.2}}$/MPa 355 硬度 H/MPa 570 表 2 薄层单元的材料参数
Table 2. Material parameters of thin-layer elements
F/N E/GPa G/GPa 螺栓连接
区域25 000 14.13 1.976 4.39 0.760 20 000 14.80 1.132 5.69 0.435 15 000 15.72 0.911 6.05 0.350 10 000 16.25 0.791 6.25 0.304 5 000 16.75 0.691 6.44 0.266 表 3 不同
$\beta $ 和$\phi $ 下薄壁圆筒的前6阶固有频率Table 3. The first 6-order natural frequencies of thin-walled cylinder under different
$\beta $ and$\phi $ $\beta $ $\phi $/% 固有频率/Hz 第1阶 第2阶 第3阶 第4阶 第5阶 第6阶 0 0 1 399.28 2 864.41 3 536.57 4045.11 4685.78 4 956.10 1/6 −20 1 384.42 2 859.87 3 536.48 4 044.03 4 675.44 4 952.45 1 398.16 2 863.85 3 536.58 4 044.39 4 684.99 4 955.62 −40 1 378.25 2 858.42 3 536.44 4 043.66 4 671.14 4 951.28 1 397.71 2 863.68 3 536.57 4 044.12 4 684.67 4 955.47 −60 1 374.14 2 857.54 3 536.41 4 043.45 4 668.26 4 950.58 1 397.43 2 863.58 3 536.57 4 043.96 4 684.47 4 955.38 −80 1 370.21 2 856.73 3 536.39 4 043.25 4 665.50 4 949.95 1 397.18 2 863.49 3 536.57 4 043.82 4 684.29 4 955.29 1/3 −20 1 374.61 2 857.12 3536.42 4 042.99 4 668.81 4 950.14 1 390.24 2 861.32 3536.52 4 043.36 4 679.39 4 953.57 −40 1 363.38 2 854.69 3 536.35 4 042.28 4 661.21 4 948.11 1 386.70 2 860.34 3 536.49 4 042.77 4 676.84 4 952.76 −60 1 355.51 2 853.19 3 536.30 4 041.86 4 655.94 4 946.85 1 384.41 2 859.74 3 536.47 4 042.41 4 675.17 4 952.88 −80 1 347.69 2 851.80 3 536.26 4 041.48 4 650.74 4 945.67 1 382.27 28 59.19 3 536.45 4 042.09 4 673.59 4 951.83 1/2 −20 1 372.46 2 856.47 3 536.40 4 042.13 4 667.48 4 949.54 1 374.66 2 856.70 3 536.40 4 042.15 4 668.30 4 949.77 −40 1 359.79 2 853.78 3 536.32 4 041.15 4 659.13 4 947.25 1 364.37 2 854.12 3 536.33 4 041.17 4 660.80 4 947.67 −60 1 350.74 2 852.11 3 536.27 4 040.55 4 653.28 4 945.80 1 357.46 2 852.63 3 536.28 4 040.59 4 653.69 4 946.38 −80 1 341.57 2 850.55 3 536.22 4 040.02 4 647.45 4 944.44 1 350.82 2 851.20 3 536.23 4 040.06 4 650.73 4 945.18 2/3 −20 1 358.51 2 851.94 3 536.28 4 040.94 4 656.59 4 946.04 1 371.43 2 855.93 3 536.39 4 041.29 4 666.58 4 949.08 −40 1 340.96 2 847.80 3 536.15 4 039.58 4 643.47 4 942.73 1 358.56 2 853.07 3 536.30 4 040.03 4 657.91 4 946.65 −60 1329.11 2 845.25 3 536.07 4 038.77 4 634.36 4 940.73 1349.44 2 851.29 3 536.25 4 039.27 4 651.86 4 945.12 −80 1317.80 2 842.89 3 535.98 4 038.04 4 625.33 4 938.95 1340.23 2 849.63 3 536.20 4 038.58 4 625.85 4 943.68 表 4 不同预紧力F下螺栓连接处的数据
Table 4. Data of bolted joints under different preloads F
F/kN 螺栓区域
(109 N·m)${E_2}$
/GPa5 17.63 976.46 3969.26 9.351 16.350 0.689 10 17.63 976.46 3969.26 9.439 16.121 0.790 15 17.63 976.46 3969.26 9.485 15.722 0.911 20 17.63 976.46 3969.26 9.529 14.908 1.130 25 17.63 976.46 3969.26 9.573 11.559 1.980 -
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