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姚星宇. 失谐螺栓连接对薄壁圆筒的动力特性影响[J]. 北京航空航天大学学报,2023,49(5):1238-1246 doi: 10.13700/j.bh.1001-5965.2021.0468
引用本文: 姚星宇. 失谐螺栓连接对薄壁圆筒的动力特性影响[J]. 北京航空航天大学学报,2023,49(5):1238-1246 doi: 10.13700/j.bh.1001-5965.2021.0468
YAO X Y. Influence of mistuning bolted joints on dynamic characteristics of thin-walled cylinder[J]. Journal of Beijing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics,2023,49(5):1238-1246 (in Chinese) doi: 10.13700/j.bh.1001-5965.2021.0468
Citation: YAO X Y. Influence of mistuning bolted joints on dynamic characteristics of thin-walled cylinder[J]. Journal of Beijing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics,2023,49(5):1238-1246 (in Chinese) doi: 10.13700/j.bh.1001-5965.2021.0468


doi: 10.13700/j.bh.1001-5965.2021.0468
基金项目: 中国民用航空飞行学院重点项目(ZJ2019-05);中国民用航空飞行学院面上项目(BJ2016-03)


  • 中图分类号: V232.7

Influence of mistuning bolted joints on dynamic characteristics of thin-walled cylinder

Funds: Key Project of Civil Aviation Flight University of China (ZJ2019-05); General Project of Civil Aviation Flight University of China (BJ2016-03)
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  • 图 1  改进薄层单元法

    Figure 1.  Improved thin-layer element method

    图 2  某型航空发动机静子结构

    Figure 2.  Stator structure of aero engine

    图 3  薄壁圆筒螺栓连接结构

    Figure 3.  Bolted joints structure of thin-walled cylinder

    图 4  带螺栓的薄壁圆筒结构

    Figure 4.  Thin-walled cylinder structure with bolts

    图 5  螺栓连接处的有限元模型

    Figure 5.  Finite element model of bolted joints area

    图 6  $\phi $对薄壁圆筒固有频率的影响曲线($\beta $=1/3)

    Figure 6.  Influence of $\phi $ on natural frequency of thin-walled cylinder ($\beta $=1/3)

    图 7  $\phi $$\beta $对薄壁圆筒第1阶固有频率分离程度的影响

    Figure 7.  Influence of $\phi $and $\beta $ on the first order natural frequency separation of thin-walled cylinder

    图 8  薄壁圆筒的边界条件

    Figure 8.  Boundary conditions of thin-walled cylinder

    图 9  预紧谐调与预紧失谐薄壁圆筒响应曲线

    Figure 9.  Response of thin-walled cylinder with tuning preload and mistuning preload

    图 10  $\phi $$\beta $对薄壁圆筒响应的影响

    Figure 10.  Influence of $\phi $ and $\beta $ on response of structure

    图 11  E1KTL的关系

    Figure 11.  Relationship between E1 and KTL

    图 12  E1的指数分布

    Figure 12.  Exponential distribution of E1

    图 13  失谐时螺栓连接处的有限元模型

    Figure 13.  Finite element model of mistuning bolted joints

    图 14  薄壁圆筒加载点y 向和x向的随机响应曲线

    Figure 14.  Random response curves of load point in y and x direction of thin-walled cylinder

    图 15  薄壁圆筒输入、输出参数的概率分布

    Figure 15.  Probability distribution of input and output parameters of thin-walled cylinder

    表  1  圆筒和螺栓的材料参数

    Table  1.   Material parameters of cylinder and bolts

    弹性模量 E/GPa195
    泊松比 $\nu $0.3
    密度 $\rho $/(kg·m−3)7850
    表面粗糙度 ${R_{\rm{a}}}$/${\text{μm} }$0.9
    屈服极限 ${\sigma _{0.2}}$/MPa355
    硬度 H/MPa570
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    表  2  薄层单元的材料参数

    Table  2.   Material parameters of thin-layer elements

    25 00014.131.9764.390.760
    20 00014.801.1325.690.435
    15 00015.720.9116.050.350
    10 00016.250.7916.250.304
    5 00016.750.6916.440.266
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    表  3  不同$\beta $$\phi $下薄壁圆筒的前6阶固有频率

    Table  3.   The first 6-order natural frequencies of thin-walled cylinder under different $\beta $ and $\phi $

    $\beta $$\phi $/%固有频率/Hz
    0 01 399.282 864.413 536.574045.114685.784 956.10
    1/6−201 384.422 859.873 536.484 044.034 675.444 952.45
    1 398.162 863.853 536.584 044.394 684.994 955.62
    −401 378.252 858.423 536.444 043.664 671.144 951.28
    1 397.712 863.683 536.574 044.124 684.674 955.47
    −601 374.142 857.543 536.414 043.454 668.264 950.58
    1 397.432 863.583 536.574 043.964 684.474 955.38
    −801 370.212 856.733 536.394 043.254 665.504 949.95
    1 397.182 863.493 536.574 043.824 684.294 955.29
    1/3−201 374.612 857.123536.424 042.994 668.814 950.14
    1 390.242 861.323536.524 043.364 679.394 953.57
    −401 363.382 854.693 536.354 042.284 661.214 948.11
    1 386.702 860.343 536.494 042.774 676.844 952.76
    −601 355.512 853.193 536.304 041.864 655.944 946.85
    1 384.412 859.743 536.474 042.414 675.174 952.88
    −801 347.692 851.803 536.264 041.484 650.744 945.67
    1 382.2728 59.193 536.454 042.094 673.594 951.83
    1/2−201 372.462 856.473 536.404 042.134 667.484 949.54
    1 374.662 856.703 536.404 042.154 668.304 949.77
    −401 359.792 853.783 536.324 041.154 659.134 947.25
    1 364.372 854.123 536.334 041.174 660.804 947.67
    −601 350.742 852.113 536.274 040.554 653.284 945.80
    1 357.462 852.633 536.284 040.594 653.694 946.38
    −801 341.572 850.553 536.224 040.024 647.454 944.44
    1 350.822 851.203 536.234 040.064 650.734 945.18
    2/3−201 358.512 851.943 536.284 040.944 656.594 946.04
    1 371.432 855.933 536.394 041.294 666.584 949.08
    −401 340.962 847.803 536.154 039.584 643.474 942.73
    1 358.562 853.073 536.304 040.034 657.914 946.65
    −601329.112 845.253 536.074 038.774 634.364 940.73
    1349.442 851.293 536.254 039.274 651.864 945.12
    −801317.802 842.893 535.984 038.044 625.334 938.95
    1340.232 849.633 536.204 038.584 625.854 943.68
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    表  4  不同预紧力F下螺栓连接处的数据

    Table  4.   Data of bolted joints under different preloads F

    (109 N·m)
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