Improved PSO-RBF neural network adaptive sliding mode control for quadrotor systems
Abstract:An improved particle swarm optimization-radial basis function (PSO-RBF) neural network adaptive sliding mode controller is proposed for quadrotor systems with nonlinearity, strong coupling, and inaccurate interference. First, based on smooth improvement of the control amount of the RBF neural network sliding mode controller, an improved particle swarm optimization with global optimization capability was used to adjust the fitting parameters of the RBF neural network, thus improving the fitting ability of the network. Next, a dynamic model of quadrotor was built according to themodel parameters of actual quadrotors, the stability of which was then proved by Lyapunov theory.In contrast to the RBF neural network adaptive sliding mode controller and the double closed-loop PID controller, the improved PSO-RBF neural network adaptive sliding mode controller can find the appropriate control quantity in one control cycle, and its adjustment time is about 50% and 75% faster than that of RBF neural network adaptive sliding mode controller and double closed-loop PID controller, respectively. The simulation results show that the improved PSO-RBF neural network adaptive sliding mode controller featuresfasttrack speed with high accuracy, strong disturbance rejection and better robustness.
表 1 四旋翼无人机的动力学参数
Table 1. Dynamic parameters of quadrotor
参数 数值 升力系数K1/(${\rm{N}} \cdot {{\rm{s}}^2}\cdot { {\rm{rad} }^{-2} }$) 9.138 × 10−6 反扭矩系数K2/(${{\rm{N}}} \cdot {{\rm{m}}} \cdot { {{\rm{s}}}^{2} }\cdot{ {{\rm{rad}}}^{-2} }$) 1.368 × 10−7 沿x轴转动惯量Ixx/(${\rm{kg}} \cdot {{\rm{m}}^2}$) 1.762 × 10−2 沿y轴转动惯量Iyy/(${\rm{kg}} \cdot {{\rm{m}}^2}$) 1.769 × 10−2 沿z轴转动惯量Izz/(${\rm{kg}}\cdot {{\rm{m}}^2}$) 2.805 × 10−2 四旋翼质量m/kg 1.311 臂长d/m 0.24 表 2 3种控制器的调节时间
Table 2. Settling time of three kinds of controllers
s 控制器 初始轨迹调节时间 10 s定高调节时间 改进PSO-RBF神经网络
自适应滑模控制器0.08 0.1 RBF神经网络
自适应滑模控制器0.18 0.2 双闭环PID控制器 0.38 0.4 -
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