Double-loop surrogate model for time-dependent reliability analysis based on NARX and Kriging models
Abstract:Structural systems with dynamic output performance has gained more and more attention in engineering practice. However, most existing surrogate models for estimating time-dependent reliability of such systems only consider the effect of the random variables which are acting on the system at the current moment, but ignores their effect with time-dependent accumulation. Therefore, these models cannot give an accurate prediction for time-dependent reliability of the dynamic systems. To solve this problem. this paper proposes a double-loop surrogate model method for time-dependent reliability analysis based on the nonlinear autoregressive with exogenous input (NARX) model and Kriging model. In the inner loop of the proposed method, NARX model is used to describe the variation of the output response with time under given random input variables, which can accurately simulate the dynamic behavior of the system. In the outer loop, the Kriging model of the extreme value of the dynamic systems is built based on the random input samples and the corresponding extreme values predicted by the inner NARX model. The reliability of the time-varying structure system then can be easily obtained based on the outer Kriging model. Finally, the effectiveness and accuracy of the proposed method for reliability analysis of dynamic structural systems with fluctuating outputs is verified by three examples.
Key words:
- time-dependent reliability /
- failure probability /
- surrogate model /
- NARX model /
- Kriging model
表 1 随机变量分布参数
Table 1. Variables and parameters
输出$\sigma_{{\rm{s}}}/({\rm{N} } \cdot {\rm{m} }^{-2})$ $A /{\rm{m}}^2$ ${J/{\rm{m} }^{4} }$ $n_0/{\rm{s}}^{-1}$ $\rho/({\rm{kg} }\cdot {\rm{m} }^{-3})$ $C$ 正态
分布均值 $1.1 \times {10^9}$ $0.012\;4$ $ 1.22 \times {10^{ - 4}} $ $163$ $8\;240$ $5.67$ 标准差 $1.1 \times {10^8}$ $1.24 \times {10^{ - 3}}$ $1.22 \times {10^{ - 5}}$ $16.3$ $824$ $0.567$ 表 2 不同方法的时变可靠性分析结果
Table 2. Time-dependent reliability analysis results of different methods
方法 $ P_{f} $ $\operatorname{Cov}(P_{f})$ 样本量 构建内层模型平均时刻点 构建外层模型样本量 误差/% NARX-Kriging $8.00 \times {10^{ - 5}}$ $0.035\;4$ $172$ $6$ $27$ $2.56$ Double-Kriging $8.76 \times {10^{ - 5}}$ $0.033\;8$ $196$ $5$ $39$ $6.70$ MC $8.21 \times {10^{ - 5}}$ $0.034\;9$ $7 \times {10^9}$ 表 3 分布参数
Table 3. Variables and parameters
分布类型 运算输出 $\varsigma$ $\omega_{\rm{n}}/({\rm{rad} }\cdot {\rm{s} }^{-1})$ $\alpha$ $A/{\rm{N}}$ $\varphi/({\rm{rad}}\cdot {\rm{s}}^{-1})$ 正态分布 均值 $0.02$ $2\text{π}$ $50$ $1$ $\text{π}$ 标准差 $0.001$ $0.1\text{π}$ $2.5$ $0.05$ $0.05\text{π}$ 表 4 各种方法的时变可靠性分析结果
Table 4. Results of each method
方法 $P_{f}$ $\operatorname{cov}(P_{f})$ 样本量 构建内层模型平均时刻点 构建外层模型样本量 误差/% NARX-Kriging $7.15 \times {10^{ - 4}}$ $0.083\;5$ $9\;900$ $150$ $67$ $1.93$ Double-Kriging MC $7.35 \times {10^{ - 4}}$ $0.082\;4$ $6 \times {10^8}$ 表 5 分布参数
Table 5. Variables and parameters
运算输出 $l_{1}/{\rm{m}}$ $h_{1}/{\rm{m}}$ $h_2 /{\rm{m}}$ $ A_{l} $ $\psi (t)/({\rm{m} }\cdot {\rm{s} }^{-1})$ 均值 $0.22$ $0.025$ $0.019$ $0.030$ $ {\mu _\psi }\left( t \right) $ 标准差 $0.002\;2$ $0.000\;25$ $0.000\;19$ $0.000\;30$ $ {\sigma _\psi }\left( t \right) $ 自相关函数 $ {\rho _\psi }\left( {{t_1},{t_2}} \right) $ 注:l1,h1,h2,Al为正态分布;${\psi}\left( t \right)$为随机过程。 表 6 各种方法的时变可靠性分析结果
Table 6. Results of each method
方法 Pf Cov(pf) 样本量 构建内层模型平均时刻点 构建外层模型样本量 误差/% 计算结果 NARX-Kriging 6.32×10-4 0.056 3 7 640 40 191 2.27 Double-Kriging MC 6.18×10-4 0.056 8 6×108 -
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