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常泽明 李璐祎

常泽明,李璐祎. 基于NARX和Kriging的时变可靠性分析双层代理模型[J]. 北京航空航天大学学报,2023,49(7):1802-1812 doi: 10.13700/j.bh.1001-5965.2021.0541
引用本文: 常泽明,李璐祎. 基于NARX和Kriging的时变可靠性分析双层代理模型[J]. 北京航空航天大学学报,2023,49(7):1802-1812 doi: 10.13700/j.bh.1001-5965.2021.0541
CHANG Z M,LI L Y. Double-loop surrogate model for time-dependent reliability analysis based on NARX and Kriging models[J]. Journal of Beijing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics,2023,49(7):1802-1812 (in Chinese) doi: 10.13700/j.bh.1001-5965.2021.0541
Citation: CHANG Z M,LI L Y. Double-loop surrogate model for time-dependent reliability analysis based on NARX and Kriging models[J]. Journal of Beijing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics,2023,49(7):1802-1812 (in Chinese) doi: 10.13700/j.bh.1001-5965.2021.0541


doi: 10.13700/j.bh.1001-5965.2021.0541
基金项目: 国家自然科学基金(51875464)





  • 中图分类号: TB114.3

Double-loop surrogate model for time-dependent reliability analysis based on NARX and Kriging models

Funds: National Natural Science Foundation of China (51875464)
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  • 图 1  航空发动机涡轮盘

    Figure 1.  Aeroengine turbine disk

    图 2  NARX模型与Kriging模型预测的时变均值和标准差与参考解的对比

    Figure 2.  Comparison of reference resolution with time-dependent mean and standard deviation predicted by NARX model andKriging model

    图 3  NARX模型与Kriging模型预测的时变均值和标准差与参考解的对比

    Figure 3.  Comparison of reference solution with time-dependent mean and standard deviation predicted by NARX model a nd Kriging model

    图 4  涡轮叶片根部横截面

    Figure 4.  Cross section of turbine blade at the root

    图 5  涡轮叶片上的河流载荷

    Figure 5.  River flow load on turbine blade

    图 6  NARX模型与Kriging模型预测的时变均值和标准差与参考解的对比

    Figure 6.  Comparison of reference solution with time-dependent mean and standard deviation predicted by NARX model and Kriging model

    表  1  随机变量分布参数

    Table  1.   Variables and parameters

    $\sigma_{{\rm{s}}}/({\rm{N} } \cdot {\rm{m} }^{-2})$ $A /{\rm{m}}^2$ ${J/{\rm{m} }^{4} }$ $n_0/{\rm{s}}^{-1}$ $\rho/({\rm{kg} }\cdot {\rm{m} }^{-3})$ $C$
    均值 $1.1 \times {10^9}$ $0.012\;4$ $ 1.22 \times {10^{ - 4}} $ $163$ $8\;240$ $5.67$
    标准差 $1.1 \times {10^8}$ $1.24 \times {10^{ - 3}}$ $1.22 \times {10^{ - 5}}$ $16.3$ $824$ $0.567$
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    表  2  不同方法的时变可靠性分析结果

    Table  2.   Time-dependent reliability analysis results of different methods

    方法 $ P_{f} $ $\operatorname{Cov}(P_{f})$ 样本量 构建内层模型平均时刻点 构建外层模型样本量 误差/%
    NARX-Kriging $8.00 \times {10^{ - 5}}$ $0.035\;4$ $172$ $6$ $27$ $2.56$
    Double-Kriging $8.76 \times {10^{ - 5}}$ $0.033\;8$ $196$ $5$ $39$ $6.70$
    MC $8.21 \times {10^{ - 5}}$ $0.034\;9$ $7 \times {10^9}$
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    表  3  分布参数

    Table  3.   Variables and parameters

    分布类型 运算输出 $\varsigma$ $\omega_{\rm{n}}/({\rm{rad} }\cdot {\rm{s} }^{-1})$ $\alpha$ $A/{\rm{N}}$ $\varphi/({\rm{rad}}\cdot {\rm{s}}^{-1})$
    正态分布 均值 $0.02$ $2\text{π}$ $50$ $1$ $\text{π}$
    标准差 $0.001$ $0.1\text{π}$ $2.5$ $0.05$ $0.05\text{π}$
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    表  4  各种方法的时变可靠性分析结果

    Table  4.   Results of each method

    方法 $P_{f}$ $\operatorname{cov}(P_{f})$ 样本量 构建内层模型平均时刻点 构建外层模型样本量 误差/%
    NARX-Kriging $7.15 \times {10^{ - 4}}$ $0.083\;5$ $9\;900$ $150$ $67$ $1.93$
    MC $7.35 \times {10^{ - 4}}$ $0.082\;4$ $6 \times {10^8}$
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    表  5  分布参数

    Table  5.   Variables and parameters

    运算输出 $l_{1}/{\rm{m}}$ $h_{1}/{\rm{m}}$ $h_2 /{\rm{m}}$ $ A_{l} $ $\psi (t)/({\rm{m} }\cdot {\rm{s} }^{-1})$
    均值 $0.22$ $0.025$ $0.019$ $0.030$ $ {\mu _\psi }\left( t \right) $
    标准差 $0.002\;2$ $0.000\;25$ $0.000\;19$ $0.000\;30$ $ {\sigma _\psi }\left( t \right) $
    自相关函数 $ {\rho _\psi }\left( {{t_1},{t_2}} \right) $
     注:l1h1h2Al为正态分布;${\psi}\left( t \right)$为随机过程。
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    表  6  各种方法的时变可靠性分析结果

    Table  6.   Results of each method

    方法 Pf Cov(pf) 样本量 构建内层模型平均时刻点 构建外层模型样本量 误差/%
    计算结果 NARX-Kriging 6.32×10-4 0.056 3 7 640 40 191 2.27
    MC 6.18×10-4 0.056 8 6×108
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