Abstract:Aiming at the conflict resolution problem in unmanned air traffic management (UTM), real-time collision avoidance algorithms based on reachability set analysis are proposed. To assure the secure operation of unmanned aerial vehicles (UAV) in low-altitude urban environments with dense traffic flow, these algorithms can be deployed. Based on the relative motion between the UAVs, the collision avoidance problem is modeled as a dynamic game problem in the 2D horizontal airspace, further the key concept of the reachable set of the UAV can be analyzed and calculated using the level set method and optimal control theory. Aided by airborne sensors, a new collision avoidance strategy for each drone is proposed using information about drones and surrounding objects. The technique can safely resolve the conflict resolution problem in real-time with a smooth flight route, according to simulation findings from three examples in varied airspace settings, and it is also successful against both cooperative and non-cooperative UAVs.
表 1 仿真参数
Table 1. Simulation parameters
参数 数值 无人机初始位置${ {\boldsymbol{p} }_{\text{0} } }/{\rm{m}}$ [0 , 0] 反应时间/s 1 无人机质量$ m $/kg 20 无人机半径$ r $/m 1.5 无人机的初始速度${\boldsymbol{v} }/({\rm{m}} \cdot {{\rm{s}}}^{-1})$ [40 , 0] 冲突探测半径$ R $/m 120 障碍物半径${r_{{\rm{obs}}} }$/m 15 可达集获取时间/s 0.097 -
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