A sparse estimation method for radar target direction with sliding-window subarray configuration in mainlobe jamming
雷达抗主瓣干扰(MLJ)一直是雷达领域的难点问题,针对主瓣干扰环境下的雷达目标角度测量问题,提出一种主瓣干扰下基于滑窗子阵的稀疏测角方法,对各子阵进行自适应主瓣干扰抑制处理,并利用自适应后的子阵间相位关系构建角度原子库,采用正交匹配追踪(OMP)算法估计目标角度。当目标与干扰夹角为1/2个3 dB波束宽度时(目标输入信噪比为20 dB),目标角度估计误差小于1/10倍3 dB波束宽度,所提方法无需先验信息,可同时抑制主、副瓣干扰或多个主瓣干扰,并保证较高的目标测角精度。
Abstract:The suppression of mainlobe jamming (MLJ) is a hard task and an open problem in the radar field. This paper considers the problem of radar target direction estimation in MLJ. Hence, we propose a sparse estimation method for radar target direction with sliding-window subarray configuration in MLJ. MLJ is suppressed in each subarray with the proposed method, and the angle atom is constructed according to the phase relationship between the sliding-window subarrays. Finally, the target direction can be estimated with the orthogonal matching pursuit (OMP) algorithm. When the target input signal-to-noise ratio is 20 dB and the angle between the target and MLJ is 1/2 3 dB beam width, the target angle estimation error is smaller than 1/10 3 dB beam width. The accuracy of the angle estimation is well kept and the MLJ can be cancelled without any prior information.
Key words:
- mainlobe jamming /
- sliding-window subarray /
- sparse recovery /
- anti-jamming /
- radar
表 1 仿真条件设置
Table 1. Simulation parameters setting
条件 设置 阵列天线 20元等距均匀线阵 阵元间距 半波长 滑窗子阵数 15 波束指向/(°) 0 B0.5(3 dB波束宽度)/(°) 5.05 雷达发射信号 线性调频信号,带宽5 MHz,脉宽20 μs,
采样频率10 MHz,阵元级SNRe=0 dB干扰 主瓣压制干扰 目标 位于第100个距离门,空间位置在0° 表 2 干扰环境设置
Table 2. Jamming parameters setting
干扰环境 数量 干噪比/dB 类型 干扰与目标的
归一化夹角/(°)1 1 50 主瓣噪声
压制干扰0.5 B0.5 2 2 50, 50 主/副瓣噪声
压制干扰0.5 B0.5,10 B0.5 3 2 50, 50 主/主瓣噪声
压制干扰0.5 B0.5, 0.5 B0.5 -
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