Energy-efficiency characteristic investigation of rotational inertia hydraulic converter
为探究旋转惯性液压变换器(RIHC)的主要性能及其能量转化机制,针对由等效两位三通快速切换阀驱动的旋转惯性液压变换器构型建立其理论分析模型。通过与传统比例液压系统(CHPS)对比实验,验证所建理论模型并给出两者能效差异。结果表明:所建理论模型可有效预测RIHC的主要性能,可通过系统吸油流量量化旋转惯性效应的大小,稳态吸油流量在有效占空比0.5时达到峰值。脉宽调制信号有效占空比控制模式下,随着飞轮转速、负载压力的增加,测得阀口节流损失与系统效率线性化增加。实验表明:负载压力在0~4 MPa范围内,RIHC相较于CHPS最高可减少89%的阀口节流损失,系统效率提升15.7%。
Abstract:To explore the main characteristics and energy conversion mechanism of rotational inertia hydraulic converter (RIHC). Using a rotating inertia hydraulic converter configuration powered by an analogous rapid switching valve, the overall theoretical model was developed to investigate the key features and energy conversion mechanism of the device. The results indicated that the main characteristics can be basically predicted by the theoretical model, and the rotational inertia can be effectively quantified by the suction flow rate, whose mean value reach to the peak value at the duty cycle of 0.5. In the effective duty cycle control mode of PWM signal, with the growth of the flywheel rotation speed and load pressure, the positively correlated throttling power loss and system efficiency are acquired. When the load pressure is between 0 and 4 MPa, experimental comparison showed that the RIHC may reduce throttling power loss by up to 89% and achieve an increase in system efficiency of 15.7% while compared to CPHS.
表 1 DFplus阀主要参数
Table 1. Main parameters of DFplus valve
参数 数值 公称流量Qn/ (L·min−1) 25 阶跃响应/ ms <3.5 迟滞 <0.05 频响±5%信号/ Hz 350 驱动电压Vt/ V 10 表 2 RIHC理论模型主要参数
Table 2. Main parameters of RIHC theoretical model
参数 数值 电机转速vp/( r·min−1) 1750 液压泵排量Dp/( m3·rad−1) 1.68×10−6 供油压力pHs/MPa 5.5 供油压力pLs/MPa 1.1 马达排量Dm/(m3·rad−1) 2.67×10−6 阻尼系数Bm/(N·m·s·rad−1) 0.0292 飞轮惯量Im/(N·m·s2·rad−1) 0.162 电磁力Fm/N 200 流量系数Cds/CdL 0.65 初始位置xs0/mm 0.05 阀芯质量ms/kg 0.1 弹簧刚度ks/(N·m−1) 20000 黏性阻尼系数bs/(N·s·m−1) 0.8 有效过流面积AL/mm 0.785 圆孔数z 4 孔径dn/mm 2.8 管路内径dh/mm 12.5 空气含量γ 0.05 油液密度ρ/(kg·m−3) 878 油液动力黏度μ/(Pa·s) 0.04025 纯油弹性模量K/Pa 8×109 -
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