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王永光 姚淑珍 谭火彬

王永光,姚淑珍,谭火彬. 基于残差SDE-Net的深度神经网络不确定性估计[J]. 北京航空航天大学学报,2023,49(8):1991-2000 doi: 10.13700/j.bh.1001-5965.2021.0604
引用本文: 王永光,姚淑珍,谭火彬. 基于残差SDE-Net的深度神经网络不确定性估计[J]. 北京航空航天大学学报,2023,49(8):1991-2000 doi: 10.13700/j.bh.1001-5965.2021.0604
WANG Y G,YAO S Z,TAN H B. Residual SDE-Net for uncertainty estimates of deep neural networks[J]. Journal of Beijing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics,2023,49(8):1991-2000 (in Chinese) doi: 10.13700/j.bh.1001-5965.2021.0604
Citation: WANG Y G,YAO S Z,TAN H B. Residual SDE-Net for uncertainty estimates of deep neural networks[J]. Journal of Beijing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics,2023,49(8):1991-2000 (in Chinese) doi: 10.13700/j.bh.1001-5965.2021.0604


doi: 10.13700/j.bh.1001-5965.2021.0604
基金项目: 国家重点研发计划(2018YFB1402600)


  • 中图分类号: TP183

Residual SDE-Net for uncertainty estimates of deep neural networks

Funds: National Key R & D Program of China (2018YFB1402600)
More Information
  • 摘要:

    神经随机微分方程模型(SDE-Net)可以从动力学系统的角度来量化深度神经网络(DNNs)的认知不确定性。但SDE-Net面临2个问题,一是在处理大规模数据集时,随着网络层次的增加会导致性能退化;二是SDE-Net在处理具有噪声或高丢失率的分布内数据所引起的偶然不确定性问题时性能较差。为此设计了一种残差SDE-Net(ResSDE-Net),该模型采用了改进的残差网络(ResNets)中的残差块,并应用于SDE-Net以获得一致稳定性和更高的性能;针对具有噪声或高丢失率的分布内数据,引入具有平移等变性的卷积条件神经过程 (ConvCNPs)进行数据修复,从而提高ResSDE-Net处理此类数据的性能。实验结果表明:ResSDE-Net在处理分布内和分布外的数据时获得了一致稳定的性能,并在丢失了70%像素的MNIST、CIFAR10及实拍的SVHN数据集上,仍然分别获得89.89%、65.22%和93.02%的平均准确率。


  • 图 1  普通神经网络、基本残差块或瓶颈残差块所构建的DNNs

    Figure 1.  DNNs constructed with plain networks, basic or bottleneck residual block

    图 2  用于训练和测试阶段的ResSDE-Net的不确定性估计方法框架

    Figure 2.  Framework for the uncertainty estimates of the proposed ResSDE-Net for training and testing phases

    图 3  具有8/16/20/24层DNNs的SDE-Net由基本残差块、瓶颈残差块和普通块所构建模型的训练和测试准确性结果

    Figure 3.  Training and testing accuracy results of SDE-Net with basic residual blocks, bottleneck residual blocks and plain building blocks to construct 8/16/20/24-layer DNNs

    图 4  基于cResSDE-Net的MNIST修复情况

    Figure 4.  Completed MNIST based on cResSDE-Net

    图 5  基于ResSDE-Net的真实世界实拍的数据集SVHN的修复情况

    Figure 5.  Completed real-world dataset SVHN based on ResSDE-Net

    表  1  基本残差块,瓶颈残差块以普通块所构建的24层神经网络架构

    Table  1.   24-layer neural network architectures constructed by basic residual blocks, bottleneck residual blocks, and plain blocks

    下采样层Conv1{${3}{ \text{×} }{3,}\;{64,}\;{ {\rm{stride} }\;1}$}; {${4}{\text{×}}{4,64,\;{\rm{stride}}\;2}$}; {${4}{\text{×}}{4,}\;{64,{\rm{stride}}\;2}$}
    ConcatConv2_x$\left\{ \begin{array}{cc}\text{3}\text{×}\text{3,}\; \left(\text{64, 64}\right)\\ \text{3}\text{×}\text{3,}\; \left(\text{64, 64}\right)\end{array} \right\}$$\left\{ \begin{array}{c}\begin{array}{cc} \text{1}\text{×}\text{1,}\; \left(\text{64, 64}\right) \\ \text{3}\text{×}\text{3,}\; \left(\text{64, 64}\right) \end{array}\\ \begin{array}{cc} \text{3}\text{×}\text{3,}\; \left(\text{64, 64}\right) \\ \text{1}\text{×}\text{1,}\; \left(\text{64, 64}\right) \end{array}\end{array} \right\}$$\left\{ \begin{array}{c}\begin{array}{cc} \text{3}\text{×}\text{3,}\; \left(\text{64, 64}\right) \\ \text{3}\text{×}\text{3,}\; \left(\text{64, 64}\right) \end{array}\\ \begin{array}{cc} \text{3}\text{×}\text{3,}\; \left(\text{64, 64}\right) \\ \text{3}\text{×}\text{3,}\; \left(\text{64, 64}\right) \end{array}\end{array} \right\}$
    $\left[ \begin{array}{cc}\text{3}\text{×}\text{3,}\; \left(\text{64, 64}\right)\\ \text{3}\text{×}\text{3,}\; \left(\text{64, 64}\right)\end{array} \right]$
    ConcatConv3_x$\left\{ \begin{array}{cc}\text{3×3,}\; \left(\text{64, 128}\right)\\ \text{3×3,}\; \left(\text{128, 128}\right)\end{array} \right\}$$\left\{ \begin{array}{c}\begin{array}{cc} \text{1}\text{×}\text{1,}\; \left(\text{64, 128}\right) \\ \text{3}\text{×}\text{3,}\; \left(\text{128, 128}\right) \end{array}\\ \begin{array}{cc} \text{3}\text{×}\text{3,}\; \left(\text{128, 128}\right) \\ \text{1}\text{×}\text{1,}\; \left(\text{128, 64}\right) \end{array}\end{array} \right\}$$\left\{ \begin{array}{c}\begin{array}{cc} \text{3}\text{×}\text{3,}\; \left(\text{64, 128}\right) \\ \text{3}\text{×}\text{3,}\; \left(\text{128, 128}\right) \end{array}\\ \begin{array}{cc} \text{3}\text{×}\text{3,}\; \left(\text{128, 64}\right) \\ \text{3}\text{×}\text{3,}\; \left(\text{64, 64}\right) \end{array}\end{array} \right\}$
    $\left\{ \begin{array}{cc}\text{3×3,}\; \left(\text{128, 64}\right)\\ \text{3×3,}\; \left(\text{64, 64}\right)\end{array} \right\}$
    ConcatConv4_x$\left\{ \begin{array}{cc}\text{3×3,}\; \left(\text{64, 256}\right)\\ \text{3×3,}\; \left(\text{256, 256}\right)\end{array} \right\}$$\left\{ \begin{array}{c}\begin{array}{cc} \text{1}\text{×}\text{1,}\; \left(\text{64, 256}\right) \\ \text{3}\text{×}\text{3,}\; \left(\text{256, 256}\right) \end{array}\\ \begin{array}{cc} \text{3}\text{×}\text{3,}\; \left(\text{256, 256}\right) \\ \text{1}\text{×}\text{1,}\; \left(\text{256, 64}\right) \end{array}\end{array} \right\}$$\left\{ \begin{array}{c}\begin{array}{cc} \text{3}\text{×}\text{3,}\; \left(\text{64, 256}\right) \\ \text{3}\text{×}\text{3,}\; \left(\text{256, 256}\right) \end{array}\\ \begin{array}{cc} \text{3}\text{×}\text{3,}\; \left(\text{256, 64}\right) \\ \text{3}\text{×}\text{3,}\; \left(\text{64, 64}\right) \end{array}\end{array} \right\}$
    $\left\{ \begin{array}{cc}\text{3}\text{×}\text{3,}\; \left(\text{256, 64}\right)\\ \text{3}\text{×}\text{3,}\; \left(\text{64, 64}\right)\end{array} \right\}$
    ConcatConv5_x$\left\{ \begin{array}{cc}\text{3×3,}\; \left(\text{64, 512}\right)\\ \text{3×3,}\; \left(\text{512, 512}\right)\end{array} \right\}$$\left\{ \begin{array}{c}\begin{array}{cc} \text{1}\text{×}\text{1,}\; \left(\text{64, 512}\right) \\ \text{3}\text{×}\text{3,}\; \left(\text{512, 512}\right) \end{array}\\ \begin{array}{cc} \text{3}\text{×}\text{3,}\; \left(\text{512, 512}\right) \\ \text{1}\text{×}\text{1,}\; \left(\text{512, 64}\right) \end{array}\end{array} \right\}$$\left\{ \begin{array}{c}\begin{array}{cc} \text{3}\text{×}\text{3,}\; \left(\text{64, 512}\right) \\ \text{3}\text{×}\text{3,}\; \left(\text{512, 512}\right) \end{array}\\ \begin{array}{cc} \text{3}\text{×}\text{3,}\; \left(\text{512, 64}\right) \\ \text{3}\text{×}\text{3,}\; \left(\text{64, 64}\right) \end{array}\end{array} \right\}$
    $\left\{ \begin{array}{cc}\text{3×3,}\; \left(\text{512, 64}\right)\\ \text{3×3,}\; \left(\text{64, 64}\right)\end{array} \right\}$
    ConcatConv6_x$\left\{ \begin{array}{cc}\text{3}\text{×}\text{3,} \left(\text{64, 1 024}\right)\\ \text{3}\text{×}\text{3,} \left(\text{1 024, 1 024}\right)\end{array} \right\}$$\left\{ \begin{array}{c}\begin{array}{cc} \text{1}\text{×}\text{1,}\; \left(\text{64, 1 024}\right) \\ \text{3}\text{×}\text{3,} \left(\text{1 024, 1 024}\right) \end{array}\\ \begin{array}{cc} \text{3}\text{×}\text{3,}\; \left(\text{1 024, 1 024}\right) \\ \text{1}\text{×}\text{1,} \left(\text{1 024, 64}\right) \end{array}\end{array} \right\}$$\left\{ \begin{array}{c}\begin{array}{cc} \text{3}\text{×}\text{3,} \left(\text{64, 1 024}\right) \\ \text{3}\text{×}\text{3,} \left(\text{1 024, 1 024}\right) \end{array}\\ \begin{array}{cc} \text{3}\text{×}\text{3,} \left(\text{1 024, 64}\right) \\ \text{3}\text{×}\text{3,} \left(\text{64, 64}\right) \end{array}\end{array} \right\}$
    $\left\{ \begin{array}{cc}\text{3}\text{×}\text{3,}\; \left(\text{1 024, 64}\right)\\ \text{3}\text{×}\text{3,}\; \left(\text{64, 64}\right)\end{array} \right\}$
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    表  2  在MNIST 和 SVHN 数据集上的分类和 OOD 检测

    Table  2.   Classification and OOD detection on MNIST and SVHN datasets

    模型方法分类准确性TNR at TPR 95%AUROC检测准确性AUPR
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    表  3  MR={0.1,0.3,0.5,0.7,0.9}的ID数据集MNIST、CIFAR10和SVHN

    Table  3.   ID datasets MNIST, CIFAR10 and SVHN with MR = {0.1, 0.3, 0.5, 0.7, 0.9}

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