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张培红 程晓辉 陈洪杨 贾洪印 罗磊 唐银

张培红,程晓辉,陈洪杨,等. 高马赫数空腔非定常流动机理[J]. 北京航空航天大学学报,2023,49(8):1940-1947 doi: 10.13700/j.bh.1001-5965.2021.0609
引用本文: 张培红,程晓辉,陈洪杨,等. 高马赫数空腔非定常流动机理[J]. 北京航空航天大学学报,2023,49(8):1940-1947 doi: 10.13700/j.bh.1001-5965.2021.0609
ZHANG P H,CHENG X H,CHEN H Y,et al. Unsteady flow mechanism of high Mach number cavity[J]. Journal of Beijing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics,2023,49(8):1940-1947 (in Chinese) doi: 10.13700/j.bh.1001-5965.2021.0609
Citation: ZHANG P H,CHENG X H,CHEN H Y,et al. Unsteady flow mechanism of high Mach number cavity[J]. Journal of Beijing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics,2023,49(8):1940-1947 (in Chinese) doi: 10.13700/j.bh.1001-5965.2021.0609


doi: 10.13700/j.bh.1001-5965.2021.0609
基金项目: 国家数值风洞工程项目


  • 中图分类号: V221+.3;O355

Unsteady flow mechanism of high Mach number cavity

Funds: National Numerical Windtunnel Project
More Information
  • 摘要:

    空腔流动广泛存在于飞行器中,内埋弹舱流动是最典型的空腔流动之一。空腔流动结构复杂,并且由于剪切层、涡和激波的相互作用,会产生强烈的压力脉动。针对高马赫数空腔强剪切、强激波的流动特点,提出基于非结构混合网格的中心型和迎风型格式混合方法,通过高马赫数空腔标模算例验证,计算得到空腔1阶、2阶主频与试验数据相比误差不超过5%,空腔噪声强度与试验数据相比误差不超过10 dB,验证了所提方法的可靠性。采用数值模拟方法,开展高马赫数(大于2)空腔流动的脉动特性研究,分析了不同马赫数对空腔声压级的影响,讨论不同马赫数下空腔脉动的产生的声学机制。研究表明:在高马赫数条件下,剪切层动力学与空腔声学的耦合减小,随马赫数增加,空腔振荡的物理机制由Rossiter模型的旋涡声学共振机制转变为闭箱声学机制。


  • 图 1  空腔标模试验模型

    Figure 1.  Test model of cavity standard model

    图 2  空腔标模网格

    Figure 2.  Grid of cavity standard model

    图 3  空腔后壁面上监控点K的位置

    Figure 3.  Location of pressure orifice K on the rear wall of cavity

    图 4  监控点K处CFD计算得到的空腔声压等级与试验比较(Ma = 3.51)

    Figure 4.  Comparison of CFD calculation with test results of SPL for monitoring point K (Ma = 3.51)

    图 5  Ma = 2.0时,L/D = 8空腔不同时刻涡量云图和压力等值线图

    Figure 5.  Instantaneous vorticity contours and pressure contour plots at different times for L/D = 8 cavity at Ma = 2.0

    图 6  Ma = 3.0时,L/D = 8空腔不同时刻涡量云图和压力等值线图

    Figure 6.  Instantaneous vorticity contours and pressure contour plots at different times for L/D = 8 cavity at Ma = 3.0

    图 7  Ma = 4.0时,L/D = 8空腔不同时刻涡量云图和压力等值线图

    Figure 7.  Instantaneous vorticity contours and pressure contour plots at different times for L/D = 8 cavity at Ma = 4.0

    图 8  Ma =2.0, 3.0, 4.0时,L/D = 8空腔后壁面y/D = 0.75处监控点A的频谱图

    Figure 8.  Frequency specturum of monitoring point A at y/D = 0.75 for the rear wall of L/D = 8 cavity at Ma = 2.0, 3.0, 4.0

    图 9  CFD计算得到的斯特劳哈尔数同Rossiter声学模型和闭箱声学模型预测值比较

    Figure 9.  Comparison of Strouhal number of CFD calculation with predicted values of Rossiter’s equation and closed-box acoustic model

    表  1  CFD计算得到的监控点K不同模态频率、幅值与试验值比较

    Table  1.   Comparison of different frequencies and amplitudes of CFD calculation with text results for monitoring point K

    试验值计算值 试验值计算值
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    表  2  CFD计算得到的全局声压等级与试验值比较

    Table  2.   Comparison CFD calculation with text results of OASPL

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    表  3  CFD计算、Rossiter声学模型和闭箱声学模型得到的$ fL/{U_\infty } $

    Table  3.   Strouhal Number of CFD calculation with predicted values of Rossiter’s equation and closed-box acoustic model

    0.850.211 760.294 240.629 310.677 840.686 571.258 611.099 901.078 891.887 911.465 661.471 212.517 21
    1.350.267 600.257 720.432 640.628 800.601 360.865 270.955 500.944 991.297 911.266 661.288 621.730 55
    2.00.254 480.231 120.335 410.559 850.539 270.670 820.839 770.847 431.006 231.170 591.155 591.341 64
    3.00.191 760.211 430.278 890.557 840.493 340.557 770.836 760.775 250.836 661.192 521.057 161.115 55
    4.00.241 260.202 360.256 170.562 930.472 180.512 350.742 330.768 521.025 991.011 821.024 70
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