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宋淑婕 万九卿

宋淑婕,万九卿. 基于步态的摄像机网络跨视域行人跟踪[J]. 北京航空航天大学学报,2023,49(8):2154-2166 doi: 10.13700/j.bh.1001-5965.2021.0610
引用本文: 宋淑婕,万九卿. 基于步态的摄像机网络跨视域行人跟踪[J]. 北京航空航天大学学报,2023,49(8):2154-2166 doi: 10.13700/j.bh.1001-5965.2021.0610
SONG S J,WAN J Q. Gait based cross-view pedestrian tracking with camera network[J]. Journal of Beijing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics,2023,49(8):2154-2166 (in Chinese) doi: 10.13700/j.bh.1001-5965.2021.0610
Citation: SONG S J,WAN J Q. Gait based cross-view pedestrian tracking with camera network[J]. Journal of Beijing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics,2023,49(8):2154-2166 (in Chinese) doi: 10.13700/j.bh.1001-5965.2021.0610


doi: 10.13700/j.bh.1001-5965.2021.0610
基金项目: 北京市自然科学基金(4192031); 国家自然科学基金(61873015)

    宋淑婕 女,硕士研究生。主要研究方向:目标检测跟踪与识别

    万九卿 男,博士,副教授,硕士生导师。主要研究方向:信号处理、目标检测跟踪与识别



  • 中图分类号: TP391

Gait based cross-view pedestrian tracking with camera network

Funds: Beijing Municipal Natural Science Foundation (4192031); National Natural Science Foundation of China (61873015)
More Information
  • 摘要:



  • 图 1  智能摄像机网络及其拓扑

    Figure 1.  A smart camera network and its topology

    图 2  目标通过时摄像机收集到的视频帧

    Figure 2.  Video frames collected by camera as target passes

    图 3  说明示例

    Figure 3.  Illustrating example

    图 4  修正的骨架模型

    Figure 4.  Modified skeleton model

    图 5  生成骨架图像

    Figure 5.  Skeleton image generated

    图 6  一个步态周期的骨架图像集合

    Figure 6.  Set of skeleton images in one walking cycle

    图 7  对偶分解算法中的二分图子问题

    Figure 7.  Bipartite graph subproblem in dual decomposition algorithm

    图 8  摄像机网络的布局和视域

    Figure 8.  Layouts of camera networks and camera’s FOV

    图 9  光照变化效果

    Figure 9.  Effects of lighting variation

    图 10  换装效果

    Figure 10.  Effect of clothed changing

    图 11  VBOLO数据集拍摄场景

    Figure 11.  Two stations of VBOLO dataset

    图 12  演员在2个场景出现的示例[33]

    Figure 12.  Examples of actors appearing in two stations

    图 13  9个演员Rank-1~Rank-10查询结果的对应观测

    Figure 13.  Corresponding observations of 9 actors from Rank-1 to Rank-10

    图 14  光照改变下跨视域跟踪示例

    Figure 14.  Examples of cross-view tracking under lighting variations

    图 15  换装情况下跨视域跟踪示例

    Figure 15.  Examples of cross-view tracking under clothing changes

    表  1  时空观测

    Table  1.   Space-time observation

    进入的时间09:10:21 a.m.
    离开的时间09:10:27 a.m.
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    表  2  NLPR_MCT数据集的细节

    Table  2.   Details of NLPR_MCT dataset

    子数据集相机数持续时间/min帧率/(帧·s−1目标数$T{P_s}$$ T{P_c} $
    Dataset34 3.525 1418187152
    Dataset442425 4942615256
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    表  3  MCT及模拟数据集上Rank-n准确度比较

    Table  3.   Comparison of Rank-n accuracy on MCT and simulated datasets %

    Dataset16.3545.517.86 2.59 2.6 26.42 0.53 3.2 17.53 15.3454.5 40.82
    Dataset28.89 50.411.960.731.18.99 0.37 1.1 11.15 16.67 64.1 26.452.
    Dataset319.0869.135.1 16.1160.535.1 9.21 13.8 29.8 53.29 85.5 65.5647.6578.362.2535.5355.365.56
    Dataset421.1485.540.7314.1155.036.95 5.62 8.4 36.95 41.87 95.6 66.5337.974.364.6624.134.961.04
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    表  4  VBOLO数据集上步态特征Rank-n准确度比较

    Table  4.   Comparison of Rank-n accuracyof gait feature on VBOLO dataset %

    Rank-1Rank-5 Rank-10 Rank-15 Rank-20
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    表  5  跨视域跟踪方法的性能比较

    Table  5.   Performance comparison of cross-view tracking methods

    方法${ {{e} } }^{ {\rm{c} } }$W
    Dataset1Dataset2Dataset3Dataset4 Dataset1Dataset2Dataset3Dataset4
    ICLM[37]13 30 32 62 0.9610.9270.7900.758
    CRF[37]54 81 51 700.8380.8010.6650.727
    EGM[29]55 121 39 1570.83530.70340.74170.3845
    PMCSHR[38]112 167 44 1100.6620.5910.7110.633
    Hfutdspmct[30]86 141 40 1550.74250.65440.73680.3945
    AdbTeam[30]227 267 131 2160.32040.34560.13820.1563
    TRACTA[39]121 176 126 1810.63270.54480.13980.2870
    本文24 81 85 950.92790.80140.43700.6286
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    表  6  光照改变和换装情况下基于步态、RGB和SSP特征的跨视域跟踪方法结果对比

    Table  6.   Comparison of results of cross-view tracking methods based on gait, RGB and SSP feature under lighting variations and clothes changing

    子数据集$e^{ {\rm{c} } }$W
    Dataset1751830834326 54 59 300.775 40.945 80.908 90.751 40.870 80.921 80.838 20.823 30.909 5
    Dataset214039561320.904 45711473620.656 81140.860 90.674 00.818 80.859 50.720 50.719 90.847 2
    Dataset312036558665559495600.210 50.699 90.517 50.358 20.488 20.533 90.381 50.374 90.508 2
    Dataset4164367815181100115114820.359 20.859 00.695 00.403 00.678 30.601 40.550 60.554 50.675 6
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    表  7  有无时空约束的结果比较

    Table  7.   Comparison of results with and without space-time constraints

    有/无时控约束$e^{ {\rm{c} } }$W
    无时空约束276342 120 2030.159 90.148 20.195 70.200 7
    有时空约束 30 56 55780.908 90.860 90.517 50.695 0
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    表  8  基于剪影和基于骨架的步态特征对比

    Table  8.   Silhouette vs skeleton based gait feature

    输入$e^{ {\rm{c} } }$W
    剪影3788931100.891 50.782 40.365 70.551 2
    骨架305655 780.908 90.860 90.517 50.695 0
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  • 收稿日期:  2021-10-18
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