Abstract:Pedestrian tracking across non-overlapping camera views is one of the basic problems of intelligent visual surveillance. A cross-view pedestrian target tracking method based on the gait features of a 2D skeleton diagram and space-time constraints is proposed in order to address the issue that the pedestrian cross-view tracking method based on the assumption of appearance consistency is sensitive to lighting or clothing changes. The skeleton set is extracted from the local trajectory of the single view to calculate the gait features, and the integer programming model of the cross-view target tracking problem is established. The model parameters are defined by the similarity of the gait features and the space-time constraints. The dual decomposition algorithm is used to realize the distributed solution to the above problems. The algorithm’s robustness to changes in lighting and clothing is greatly increased through the combination of gait features and more precise space-time restrictions, and it also solves the issue of weak discriminating when gait or space-time features are employed alone. The test results on the public data sets show that the proposed method is accurate in tracking and robust to lighting and clothing changes.
图 12 演员在2个场景出现的示例[33]
Figure 12. Examples of actors appearing in two stations
表 1 时空观测
Table 1. Space-time observation
时空属性 状态 位置 CamE 进入的时间 09:10:21 a.m. 离开的时间 09:10:27 a.m. 进入的方向 左边界 离开的方向 右边界 表 2 NLPR_MCT数据集的细节
Table 2. Details of NLPR_MCT dataset
子数据集 相机数 持续时间/min 帧率/(帧·s−1) 目标数 $T{P_s}$ $ T{P_c} $ Dataset1 3 20 20 235 71853 334 Dataset2 3 20 20 255 88419 408 Dataset3 4 3.5 25 14 18187 152 Dataset4 4 24 25 49 42615 256 注:TPs为数据集提供的单视域的轨迹数,TPc为数据集提供的跨视域的轨迹数。 表 3 MCT及模拟数据集上Rank-n准确度比较
Table 3. Comparison of Rank-n accuracy on MCT and simulated datasets
% 子数据集 Rank-1 Rank-5 原始 光照 换装 原始 光照 换装 RGB SSP 步态 RGB SSP 步态 RGB SSP 步态 RGB SSP 步态 RGB SSP 步态 RGB SSP 步态 Dataset1 6.35 45.5 17.86 2.59 2.6 26.42 0.53 3.2 17.53 15.34 54.5 40.82 4.15 4.2 41.97 7.41 7.9 38.14 Dataset2 8.89 50.4 11.96 0.73 1.1 8.99 0.37 1.1 11.15 16.67 64.1 26.45 2.19 3.0 17.27 2.96 5.2 23.38 Dataset3 19.08 69.1 35.1 16.11 60.5 35.1 9.21 13.8 29.8 53.29 85.5 65.56 47.65 78.3 62.25 35.53 55.3 65.56 Dataset4 21.14 85.5 40.73 14.11 55.0 36.95 5.62 8.4 36.95 41.87 95.6 66.53 37.9 74.3 64.66 24.1 34.9 61.04 表 4 VBOLO数据集上步态特征Rank-n准确度比较
Table 4. Comparison of Rank-n accuracyof gait feature on VBOLO dataset
% Rank-1 Rank-5 Rank-10 Rank-15 Rank-20 56.57 91.92 97.98 98.99 100 表 5 跨视域跟踪方法的性能比较
Table 5. Performance comparison of cross-view tracking methods
方法 ${ {{e} } }^{ {\rm{c} } }$ W Dataset1 Dataset2 Dataset3 Dataset4 Dataset1 Dataset2 Dataset3 Dataset4 ICLM[37] 13 30 32 62 0.961 0.927 0.790 0.758 CRF[37] 54 81 51 70 0.838 0.801 0.665 0.727 EGM[29] 55 121 39 157 0.8353 0.7034 0.7417 0.3845 PMCSHR[38] 112 167 44 110 0.662 0.591 0.711 0.633 Hfutdspmct[30] 86 141 40 155 0.7425 0.6544 0.7368 0.3945 AdbTeam[30] 227 267 131 216 0.3204 0.3456 0.1382 0.1563 TRACTA[39] 121 176 126 181 0.6327 0.5448 0.1398 0.2870 本文 24 81 85 95 0.9279 0.8014 0.4370 0.6286 表 6 光照改变和换装情况下基于步态、RGB和SSP特征的跨视域跟踪方法结果对比
Table 6. Comparison of results of cross-view tracking methods based on gait, RGB and SSP feature under lighting variations and clothes changing
子数据集 $e^{ {\rm{c} } }$ W 原始 光照改变 换装 原始 光照改变 换装 RGB SSP 步态 RGB SSP 步态 RGB SSP 步态 RGB SSP 步态 RGB SSP 步态 RGB SSP 步态 Dataset1 75 18 30 83 43 26 54 59 30 0.775 4 0.945 8 0.908 9 0.751 4 0.870 8 0.921 8 0.838 2 0.823 3 0.909 5 Dataset2 140 39 56 132 0.904 4 57 114 73 62 0.656 8 114 0.860 9 0.674 0 0.818 8 0.859 5 0.720 5 0.719 9 0.847 2 Dataset3 120 36 55 86 65 55 94 95 60 0.210 5 0.699 9 0.517 5 0.358 2 0.488 2 0.533 9 0.381 5 0.374 9 0.508 2 Dataset4 164 36 78 151 81 100 115 114 82 0.359 2 0.859 0 0.695 0 0.403 0 0.678 3 0.601 4 0.550 6 0.554 5 0.675 6 表 7 有无时空约束的结果比较
Table 7. Comparison of results with and without space-time constraints
有/无时控约束 $e^{ {\rm{c} } }$ W Dataset1 Dataset2 Dataset3 Dataset4 Dataset1 Dataset2 Dataset3 Dataset4 无时空约束 276 342 120 203 0.159 9 0.148 2 0.195 7 0.200 7 有时空约束 30 56 55 78 0.908 9 0.860 9 0.517 5 0.695 0 表 8 基于剪影和基于骨架的步态特征对比
Table 8. Silhouette vs skeleton based gait feature
输入 $e^{ {\rm{c} } }$ W Dataset1 Dataset2 Dataset3 Dataset4 Dataset1 Dataset2 Dataset3 Dataset4 剪影 37 88 93 110 0.891 5 0.782 4 0.365 7 0.551 2 骨架 30 56 55 78 0.908 9 0.860 9 0.517 5 0.695 0 -
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