Abstract:Combining a method for skiving cylindrical gear with one for machining face gear is suggested in order to increase the processing effectiveness of face gears. First, the principle of the skiving machining is analyzed, and the machining motion model and the skiving coordinate system are established. The cutting speed of the cutting point on the cutting edge of the skiving tool is derived. Secondly, the rack face and the flank face of the skiving tool are designed, the mathematical model of the cutting angle is established, and the change rule of the cutting angle of the tool during the machining process is analyzed. Finally, using VERICUT and DEFORM simulation analysis software to verify the skiving process, the post-processing errors and the influence of processing parameters on the cutting force are obtained.
Key words:
- face gear /
- skiving /
- cutting angle /
- cutting force /
- machining model
表 1 车齿基本参数
Table 1. Basic parameters of gear
参数 数值 模数m 5 压力角$ \alpha $/(°) 20 螺旋角$ \beta $/(°) 23 安装夹角$\varSigma$/(°) 23 面齿轮齿数${Z}_{2}$ 100 车齿刀齿数${Z}_{\mathrm{s} }$ 70 面齿轮根切内半径$ {R}_{\mathrm{u}} $/mm 48.7 面齿轮变尖外半径$ {R}_{\mathrm{p}} $/mm 54.65 表 2 车齿仿真加工参数
Table 2. Gear simulation machining parameters
仿真 刀具转速/(r·s−1) 进给量/(mm·r−1) 1 10 0.05,0.1,0.15,0.2,0.25 2 10,11,12,13,14 0.05 -
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