Abstract:Under the action of aerodynamic forces, flexible wings undergo large deformations, for which geometric nonlinearity cannot be ignored. By taking advantage of their slenderness, flexible wings can be modeled as beams. This paper developed the dynamic equilibrium equations of nonlinear beams based on the geometrically exact beam theory and Hamilton principle. Different from the classical displacement-based finite element, this work took the generalized strains as interpolated variables and obtained the generalized mass matrix, damping matrix, stiffness matrix and force vectors, based on which a strain-based nonlinear beam model was proposed. The nonlinear dynamic equations were then solved by Newmark method combined with Newton-Raphson iterations with typical examples investigated from both static and dynamic perspectives. Next, the results were compared with those calculated by finite-element software, which proved that the strain-based beam model has better convergence with the comparable accuracy. The method was further verified by static ground tests of a large-aspect-ratio wing model, during which laser displacement sensor and fiber optic sensing technology were utilized to measure the structural deformation. The excellent agreement between numerical results calculated by the proposed method and the test results further validated the accuracy of the strain-based formulation.
Key words:
- geometric nonlinearity /
- strain /
- beam /
- structural dynamics /
- finite-element method
表 1 悬臂梁模型物理属性
Table 1. Properties of cantilevered beam
参数 数值 长度L/m 1.00 弹性模量E/GPa 210 剪切模量G/GPa 84.2 横截面宽度b/mm 35 横截面高度h/mm 1.5 密度$\rho $/(kg·m−3) $7.75 \times {10^3}$ 扭转惯量${I_x}$/(kg·m) $5.37 \times {10^{ - 9}}$ 面外弯曲惯量${I_y}$/(kg·m) $9.84 \times {10^{ - 12}}$ 面内弯曲惯量${I_{\textit{z}}}$/(kg·m) $5.36 \times {10^{ - 9}}$ 表 2 不同端部载荷作用下端部垂向位移
Table 2. Tip vertical displacements with respect to different tip forces
端部载荷/N 端部垂向位移/m 相对误差/% Nastran仿真 本文模型 0.6 0.09584 0.09578 −0.063 1.2 0.18655 0.18643 −0.064 1.8 0.26852 0.26836 −0.060 2.4 0.34020 0.33999 −0.062 3.0 0.40165 0.40140 −0.062 表 3 不同端部载荷作用下端部轴向位移
Table 3. Tip axial displacements with respect to different tip forces
端部载荷/N 端部轴向位移/m 相对误差/% Nastran仿真 本文模型 0.6 −0.005525 −0.005523 −0.040 1.2 −0.021120 −0.021110 −0.047 1.8 −0.044360 −0.044340 −0.045 2.4 −0.072380 −0.072350 −0.041 3.0 −0.102720 −0.102670 −0.049 表 4 本文模型各迭代步端部垂向位移
Table 4. Tip vertical displacements of each iteration step in proposed model
迭代次数 端部垂向位移/m 1 0.447575 2 0.386251 3 0.405881 4 0.400023 5 0.401817 6 0.401272 7 0.401438 8 0.401388 9 0.401403 10 0.401398 表 5 机翼模型主要参数
Table 5. Main parameters of wing model
机翼展长/m 机翼弦长/m 机翼总质量/kg 1.0 0.01 0.672 表 6 不同展向位置机翼垂向变形
Table 6. Vertical displacements at different positions
展向位置/m 试验值/m 垂向变形${{\textit{z}}_2}$/m ${{\textit{z}}_2} - {{\textit{z}}_1} $的
传感平均值${{\textit{z}}_1}$ 0.2 −0.01851 −0.02457 −0.02154 −0.02364 −0.21 0.4 −0.07833 −0.08559 −0.08196 −0.08243 −0.05 0.6 −0.15509 −0.16753 −0.16131 −0.16149 −0.02 0.8 −0.24355 −0.25978 −0.25167 −0.25058 0.11 1.0 −0.34 −0.35587 −0.34794 −0.34323 0.47 -
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