Abstract:In order to clarify the mechanism of the tip leakage flow in transonic turbines and further improve turbine efficiency, the effect of tip injection on the performance of a flat tip and a squealer tip is studied under the transonic condition, and the flow state in the clearance between a flat tip and squealer tip is discussed. The results show that under transonic conditions, tip jet can increase the aerodynamic efficiency of the flat tip cascade, and that the scraping vortex is still the dominant flow structure in the cavity of the squealer tip. The increase of jet flow has limited effect on the total leakage flow of the flat tip, but will increase the total leakage flow of the squealer tip. With higher load, the transonic flow in the flat tip clearance is related to the blade load and thickness. For squealer tips, the leakage flow expands rapidly to the supersonic state above the suction side squealer. Finally, a leakage flow prediction model for transonic conditions is established.
Key words:
- transonic turbine /
- leakage flow /
- tip clearance /
- tip injection /
- flow model
表 1 网格参数
Table 1. Grid parameters
网格编号 间隙径向网格数量 网格总数/106 网格1 9 2.51 网格2 15 2.67 网格3 21 2.84 网格4 26 2.98 网格5 31 3.14 -
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