L 1-ITD的尾座式无人机姿态控制方法。建立了垂直起降阶段尾座式无人机六自由度非线性模型,设计了基于L 1自适应的无人机姿态控制器,可抑制扰动对系统性能的影响,实现垂直起降阶段存在风干扰和模型不确定时对无人机姿态的良好控制。在此基础上,针对L 1自适应控制方法对量测噪声敏感及无法直接获取有效微分信号的问题,引入改进跟踪微分器,在快速精确跟踪信号的同时抑制了量测噪声的影响。仿真结果验证了所提方法的有效性。Abstract:Aiming at the problem that the tail-sitter UAV is sensitive to wind disturbance in the vertical take-off and landing (VTOL) stage, an attitude control law based on
L 1-ITD is proposed. Firstly, a 6-DOF nonlinear model of a tail-sitter UAV in VTOL stage is established, and anL 1 adaptive attitude controller for the UAV is designed. The controller can suppress the influence of disturbance on system performance and achieve good attitude control performance with wind disturbance and model uncertainty in VTOL stage. Then, aiming at the problem thatL 1 adaptive control method is sensitive to measurement noise and cannot directly obtain effective differential signal, an improved tracking differentiator is used to track the signal quickly and accurately while suppressing the influence of measurement noise. Finally, the simulation results demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed control method.-
Key words:
- L1 adaptive control /
- tracking differentiator /
- tail-sitter UAV /
- attitude control /
- measurement noise
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