Taxiing deviation-correction control of a new variable-friction equipped-skid aircraft
Abstract:Flat hypersonic aircraft are better suited to skid landing gear than wheeled landing gear because of its light weight and compact design. However, the inherent characteristic of the wheel skid layout causes the problem of heading instability during mid-speed taxiing. Aiming at the problem, a variable-friction skid landing gear with a directional stability augmentation function is designed. Firstly, a nonlinear ground taxiing model is established, considering aerodynamic forces, ground forces, correction mechanism model, and deviation-correction control system.The ground friction characteristics experiment findings are then used to create the multi-parameter fitting polynomials of the friction coefficients of the skid and material, which are then incorporated into the dynamic model discussed earlier. Finally, an integral line of sight (ILOS) guidance is introduced to realize the effective tracking of the runway centerline during the rollout phase. Particle swarm optimization is introduced to optimize control parameters. Results show that the friction coefficients of the skid and the material first increase and then decrease with the increase of speed and pressure. The effectiveness of the deviation-correction control system is verified by taxiing simulation results under typical initial conditions. The safety set of taxiing increases by 16.6% when the friction coefficient of the friction material increases from 0.3 to 0.4.
表 1 拟合多项式的系数
Table 1. Coefficients of fitting polynomials
系数 滑橇摩擦系数${\mu _{\text{s}}}$ 材料摩擦系数${\mu _{\text{p}}}$ p00 0.067 0.3907 p10 0.00529 0.01364 p01 1.009×10−6 1.798×10−6 p20 −3.418×10−4 −6.458×10−4 p11 1.404×10−8 −6.084×10−8 p02 −6.93×10−12 −1.092×10−11 p30 5.825×10−6 8.209×10−6 p21 −5.442×10−6 2.545×10−9 p12 2.115×10−14 2.671×10−14 p03 1.938×10−17 3.134×10−17 p31 −4.945×10−12 −3.235×10−11 p22 1.729×10−15 −6.44×10−16 p13 −1.438×10−19 3.3×10−20 p04 −1.814×10−23 −3.337×10−23 -
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