Abstract:Aiming at the defect that the fixed-wing aircraft can not always be in the optimal aerodynamic configuration in the complex and changeable flight environment, the wing design concept which can adapt to the deformation according to the flight environment parameters is proposed. A wing is designed in this study to achieve deformation by deflecting the rigid wing box. The aerodynamic characteristics are investigated by the panel method coupling with the XFOIL viscous corrector. A wind tunnel test platform and data acquisition system for the actuators of the morphing wing are built. A low speed wind tunnel test is then carried out on the deformed pneumatic servo system driven by model aircraft actuators, and the mathematical model of the pneumatic servo system is obtained with the subspace identification method. The servo compensation control is carried out by proportion integral differential (PID) control combined with Smith predictive control algorithm. Finally, according to the aerodynamic data of the morphing wing and the frequency response characteristics of these actuators, a feedback control system of the adaptive morphing wing is designed to optimize the aerodynamic performance based on the compensation of actuators. This design could realize the compensation and adaptive deformation of actuators in complex environments, providing a reference for the subsequent design of the morphing wing.
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