Abstract:A bimodal text-guided image inpainting model is proposed to address shortcomings of the existing image restoration algorithms, such as the restored results are poor and uncontrollable when repairing large areas of distortions due to lack of sufficient contextual information. The proposed algorithm introduces text labels as the control guide for restoration to ensure the overall and regional consistency of the inpainted results and to increase the controllable diversity of the results. Firstly, a dual bi-modal mask attention mechanism is designed to extract semantic information from the damaged region. Subsequently, the text image fusion process in the generator is deepened by a deep text-image fusion module, and the image-text matching loss is applied to maximize the semantic similarity between the generated images and the text. Finally, a projection discriminator is used to train the generated image with the original image to enhance the authenticity of the restored image. Quantitative and qualitative experiments are conducted on two datasets with textual labels. The experimental results demonstrate that the repaired images are consistent with the guidance text description, and various results can be generated according to various textual descriptions.
Key words:
- image inpainting /
- text guidance /
- attention mechanism /
- text-image fusion /
- image-text matching loss
表 1 对规则掩码在CUB/COCO数据集上定量对比
Table 1. Quantitative comparison of rule masks on CUB/COCO datasets
表 2 对不规则掩码在CUB/COCO数据集上定量对比
Table 2. Quantitative comparison of irregular masks on CUB/COCO datasets
表 3 消融实验定量对比
Table 3. Quantitative comparison of ablation experiments
修复算法 峰值信噪比/dB 结构相似度 平均绝对误差 基础模型 22.15 0.817 33.82 双重模态掩码
注意力模块22.31 0.818 32.27 深度文本图像
融合模块22.60 0.822 31.52 完整模型 25.77 0.847 27.54 -
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