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任东杰 许顺海 王少萍 刘小平 白林迎

任东杰,许顺海,王少萍,等. 球面配流副油膜动态耦合建模及求解方法[J]. 北京航空航天大学学报,2023,49(10):2771-2779 doi: 10.13700/j.bh.1001-5965.2021.0724
引用本文: 任东杰,许顺海,王少萍,等. 球面配流副油膜动态耦合建模及求解方法[J]. 北京航空航天大学学报,2023,49(10):2771-2779 doi: 10.13700/j.bh.1001-5965.2021.0724
REN D J,XU S H,WANG S P,et al. Modeling and solution method of oil film dynamic coupling for spherical port pair[J]. Journal of Beijing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics,2023,49(10):2771-2779 (in Chinese) doi: 10.13700/j.bh.1001-5965.2021.0724
Citation: REN D J,XU S H,WANG S P,et al. Modeling and solution method of oil film dynamic coupling for spherical port pair[J]. Journal of Beijing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics,2023,49(10):2771-2779 (in Chinese) doi: 10.13700/j.bh.1001-5965.2021.0724


doi: 10.13700/j.bh.1001-5965.2021.0724
基金项目: 国家自然科学基金(51875014,51875015,51620105010)


  • 中图分类号: TH137.51

Modeling and solution method of oil film dynamic coupling for spherical port pair

Funds: National Natural Science Foundation of China (51875014,51875015,51620105010)
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  • 图 1  双斜式柱塞泵结构

    1-斜盘 2-缸体 3-配油盘 4-柱塞

    Figure 1.  Structure of double-oblique-type axial piston pump

    图 2  柱塞坐标系

    Figure 2.  Coordinate system of plunger

    图 3  单个柱塞受力分析

    Figure 3.  Force analysis of a single plunger

    图 4  缸体配流副坐标系及其参数

    Figure 4.  Coordinate system and parameters of cylinder distribution pair

    图 5  缸体受力分析

    Figure 5.  Cylinder body force analysis

    图 6  配流副油膜动态耦合模型仿真计算流程

    Figure 6.  Simulation calculation process of oil film dynamic coupling model of distribution pair

    图 7  配流副油膜厚度、合力变化曲线

    Figure 7.  Curves of oil film thickness and resultant force of distribution pair

    图 8  配流副油膜厚度场、压力场和温度场分布

    Figure 8.  Distribution of oil film thickness field, pressure field and temperature field of distribution pair

    图 9  不同转角压力分布比较

    Figure 9.  Comparison of pressure distribution at different rotation angles

    表  1  仿真数据

    Table  1.   Simulation data

    转速/(${\rm{r}}\cdot{\rm{ min}}^{-1}$)1500
    低压区压强$ {p_{\rm{l}}} $/MPa3
    柱塞倾角$\beta $/(°)5
    斜盘倾角$\gamma $/(°)15
    黏压系数${\alpha _p}$$1.8 \times {10^{ - 8}}$
    黏温系数${\alpha _T}$0.03
    油液比热${c_p}$/(J·(kg·℃)−1)1 884
    油液密度$\rho $/(${\text{kg}} \cdot {{\text{m}}^ - }^{\text{3}}$)850
    下载: 导出CSV
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