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何振鹏 周佳星 辛佳 杨成全 孙爱俊 黎柏春

何振鹏,周佳星,辛佳,等. 带有轮缘密封的涡轮动叶轮毂端壁造型[J]. 北京航空航天大学学报,2023,49(10):2596-2607 doi: 10.13700/j.bh.1001-5965.2021.0728
引用本文: 何振鹏,周佳星,辛佳,等. 带有轮缘密封的涡轮动叶轮毂端壁造型[J]. 北京航空航天大学学报,2023,49(10):2596-2607 doi: 10.13700/j.bh.1001-5965.2021.0728
HE Z P,ZHOU J X,XIN J,et al. Endwall profiling of turbine blade hub with rim seal[J]. Journal of Beijing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics,2023,49(10):2596-2607 (in Chinese) doi: 10.13700/j.bh.1001-5965.2021.0728
Citation: HE Z P,ZHOU J X,XIN J,et al. Endwall profiling of turbine blade hub with rim seal[J]. Journal of Beijing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics,2023,49(10):2596-2607 (in Chinese) doi: 10.13700/j.bh.1001-5965.2021.0728


doi: 10.13700/j.bh.1001-5965.2021.0728
基金项目: 中央高校基本科研业务费专项资金(3122019075)


  • 中图分类号: V231.3

Endwall profiling of turbine blade hub with rim seal

Funds: The Fundamental Research Funds for the Central Universities (3122019075)
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  • 图 1  本文模型示意图[20-21]

    Figure 1.  Schematic of the proposed model[20-21]

    图 2  带有密封腔的LISA1.5级涡轮计算网格划分

    Figure 2.  Computation mesh of LISA 1.5-stage turbine with rim seal cavity

    图 3  实验与数值模拟结果对比

    Figure 3.  Comparison of experimental results with calculated results

    图 4  轮毂静压分布

    Figure 4.  Static pressure distribution on hub

    图 5  轮毂端壁控制点划分

    Figure 5.  Distribution of asymmetric control points on endwall

    图 6  非轴对称端壁周向造型示意图

    Figure 6.  Schematic diagram of non-axisymmetric endwall circumscribed profile

    图 7  非轴对称端壁5%叶高幅值造型轮毂ΔR云图

    Figure 7.  ΔR contour of non-axisymmetric endwall Nonaxi EW5%

    图 8  非轴对称端壁5%叶高幅值造型三维示意图

    Figure 8.  Three-dimensional schematic diagram of non-axisymmetric endwall Nonaxi EW5%

    图 9  非轴对称端壁造型轮毂静压云图

    Figure 9.  Static pressure distribution contours of non-axisymmetric endwalls

    图 10  吸力面静压分布

    Figure 10.  Pressure on blade suction side

    图 11  涡轮设计参数径向分布

    Figure 11.  Spanwise distribution of turbine aerodynamic design parameters

    图 12  动叶出口二次流湍动能系数径向分布

    Figure 12.  Radial distribution of secondary kinetic energy coefficient

    图 13  轮缘密封出口径向速度云图

    Figure 13.  Radial velocity contours at rim seal cavity exit

    图 14  密封效率云图与流线图

    Figure 14.  Contours of sealing effectiveness and streamline

    图 15  动叶前缘三维旋涡结构示意图

    Figure 15.  Schematic diagram of three-dimensional vortex structure at leading edge of blade

    图 16  动叶通道内三维流线

    Figure 16.  3D streamline of rotor passage

    图 17  动叶出口轴向涡量云图

    Figure 17.  Axial vorticity contours at rotor exit

    表  1  第1级涡轮效率

    Table  1.   1-stage turbine efficiency

    original EW90.009211.4605
    baseline EW, MIR=0.8%89.687611.3727
    baseline EW, MIR=1.2%89.629411.3345
    baseline EW, MIR=1.6%89.580111.2893
    Nonaxi EW 5%, MIR=0.8%89.697311.4271
    Nonaxi EW 5%, MIR=1.2%89.655111.3955
    Nonaxi EW 5%, MIR=1.6%89.728811.3593
    Nonaxi EW 8%, MIR=0.8%89.240711.4333
    Nonaxi EW 8%, MIR=1.2%89.281611.3973
    Nonaxi EW 8%, MIR=1.6%89.415111.3612
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