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吴雨婷 陆中 宋海靖 周伽

吴雨婷,陆中,宋海靖,等. 面向多重耗损失效的民用飞机运行风险评估[J]. 北京航空航天大学学报,2023,49(10):2807-2816 doi: 10.13700/j.bh.1001-5965.2021.0739
引用本文: 吴雨婷,陆中,宋海靖,等. 面向多重耗损失效的民用飞机运行风险评估[J]. 北京航空航天大学学报,2023,49(10):2807-2816 doi: 10.13700/j.bh.1001-5965.2021.0739
WU Y T,LU Z,SONG H J,et al. Operation risk assessment of civil aircraft for multiple wear-out failure modes[J]. Journal of Beijing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics,2023,49(10):2807-2816 (in Chinese) doi: 10.13700/j.bh.1001-5965.2021.0739
Citation: WU Y T,LU Z,SONG H J,et al. Operation risk assessment of civil aircraft for multiple wear-out failure modes[J]. Journal of Beijing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics,2023,49(10):2807-2816 (in Chinese) doi: 10.13700/j.bh.1001-5965.2021.0739


doi: 10.13700/j.bh.1001-5965.2021.0739
基金项目: 国家自然科学基金(U1733124); 航空科学基金(20180252002);民航安全能力建设基金(2021-196)


  • 中图分类号: V328

Operation risk assessment of civil aircraft for multiple wear-out failure modes

Funds: National Natural Science Foundation of China (U1733124); Aeronautical Science Foundation of China(20180252002); Funds for Civil Aviation Safety Capacity Building (2021-196)
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  • 摘要:



  • 图 1  基于PSO-EM算法的混合威布尔分布参数估计方法

    Figure 1.  Parameter estimation method of mixed Weibull distribution based on PSO-EM algorithm

    图 2  基于蒙特卡罗仿真的DA预测方法流程

    Figure 2.  DA prediction process based on Monte Carlo

    图 3  因果链建模过程

    Figure 3.  Cause and effect chain modeling process

    图 4  VE推理示例BN结构

    Figure 4.  Example BN of VE inference

    图 5  机队裂纹失效概率密度函数拟合结果

    Figure 5.  Fitting results of probability density function for fleet crack failure

    图 6  机队当前役龄状况

    Figure 6.  Current service age of fleet

    图 7  机翼裂纹失效因果链

    Figure 7.  Causal chain of wing rib crack failure

    图 8  化简后的案例BN

    Figure 8.  Simplified BN of case

    表  1  机队运行寿命数据

    Table  1.   Fleet operational failure data

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    表  2  模型参数初值及边界值

    Table  2.   Initial values and boundary values of model parameters

    模型参数${ \pi _1}$${ \pi _2}$$ {\alpha _1} $$ {\alpha _2} $
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    表  3  多重失效模型参数估计结果

    Table  3.   Parameters’ estimation results of multiple failure model

    估计方法${ \pi_1}$${ \pi_2}$$ {\alpha _1} $$ {\alpha _2} $δRMSE
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    表  4  BN节点信息

    Table  4.   Node information in BN

    节点 事件 状态
    A 翼肋裂纹 1
    B 桁条/腹板失效 1
    C 蒙皮失效 1
    D 失压 1
    完全失去控制 2
    部分失去控制 3
    无影响 4
    E 空中解体 1
    坠毁 2
    人员死亡 3
    跑道偏离 4
    无影响 5
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    表  5  节点D条件概率

    Table  5.   Conditional probability of node D

    C$P\left( {D = 1\left| C \right.} \right)$$P\left( {D = 2\left| C \right.} \right)$$P\left( {D = 3\left| C \right.} \right)$$P\left( {D = 4\left| C \right.} \right)$
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    表  6  节点E条件概率

    Table  6.   Conditional probability of node E

    D$P\left( {E = 1\left| D \right.} \right)$$P\left( {E = 2\left| D \right.} \right)$$P\left( {E = 3\left| D \right.} \right)$$P\left( {E = 4\left| D \right.} \right)$$P\left( {E = 5\left| D \right.} \right)$
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    表  7  四种不安全后果的死亡率

    Table  7.   The injury ratio of four unsafe outcomes

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