Power measurement deviations of direct and reflected signals from BDS GEO satellites in ground-based GNSS-R applications
- 全球导航卫星反射信号测量技术 /
- 北斗卫星导航系统 /
- 地球同步轨道卫星 /
- 功率测量偏差 /
- 天线方向性
Abstract:This paper analyzes the power measurement deviations of the direct and reflected signals from BDS GEO satellites. Firstly, the expressions of direct and reflected BDS GEO signals received by actual antennas in ground-based scenario are presented. Then, the relative deviations of direct and reflected signal power measurement of BDS GEO satellite are discussed. Finally, simulations were carried out to analyze relative deviations in a specific observation scenario. Both theory and simulation show that the power measurement deviation of the direct and reflected BDS GEO signals are fixed under a specific scene and at a given time. The deviations are codetermined by the suppression performance of the antenna to the interference signals, antenna height and the dielectric constant of the reflector. The relative deviation decreases with the enhancement of the suppression performance of the antenna to the interference signal, fluctuates within a certain range with the change of the antenna height, and varies with the dielectric constant of the reflector.
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