Design and on-orbit application of radiator for space optical remote sensor with large aperture
- 高导热石墨 /
- 辐射散热器 /
- 大口径空间光学遥感器 /
- 轻量化 /
- 热设计
Abstract:To meet the light-weight and high-efficiency heat dissipation requirements of space optical remote sensors with large aperture, a space radiator based on high thermal conductivity graphite film is proposed for the first time. The basic physical properties, structural composition, mechanical properties, thermal properties and space environment adaptability of the high thermal conductivity graphite film were tested and analyzed. The common disadvantages in the application of high thermal conductivity graphite film, such as low thermal conductivity in the thickness direction, low mechanical strength, low hardness, thin thickness and small single block size, are solved by combining the high thermal conductivity graphite film with heat pipe and honeycomb plate. The high thermal conductivity graphite radiator is simulated and compared with two traditional radiators. The simulation results indicated that under the same heat dissipation capacity, the weight of high thermal conductivity graphite radiator is only about 1/3 of that of traditional aluminum alloy plate radiator, and about 1/2 of that of traditional aluminum honeycomb radiator. The heat dissipation performance of the radiator is verified by heat balance experiment and on-orbit flight application. The verification results show that the simulation values are in good agreement with the on-orbit values. The radiator not only has excellent mechanical and thermal performance, but also has significant weight reduction advantages, and can be widely used in the heat radiation of spacecraft.
表 1 石墨膜的主要检测项目及结果
Table 1. Main test items and results of graphite film
检测项目 测试内容 测试结果 基础物理性能 密度 2000 kg/m3 热稳定性 热失重达到5%时的温度
分别为920 ℃吸水率 ≤0.5% 结构分析 SEM 如图1所示 X射线衍射技术 石墨化度≈100% 拉曼光谱 化学分析 碳含量 99.77% 灰分 0.21% 挥发分 0.02% 力学特性 拉伸强度 40.8 MPa (−80 ℃) 52.8 MPa (室温) 56.7 MPa (+60 ℃) 耐折性 大于21000次 热学性能 比热(常温) 0.85(J·g−1·K−1) 面内导热系数 如图2所示 晶面热膨胀系数 如表2所示 地面环境
适应性湿热环境适应性 试验后无破损,无裂纹,
适应性温度冲击环境适应性 试验后无破损,无裂纹,
总剂量9×107 rad(Si)
≥95%表 2 不同材料热膨胀系数
Table 2. coefficient of thermal expansion of different materials
材料名称 热膨胀系数 −80 ℃ −50 ℃ 0 ℃ 50 ℃ 高导热石墨 −1.29 −1.54 −1.88 −2.26 碳纤维蒙皮 −0.08 <0.036 表 3 热分析参数
Table 3. Thermal analysis parameters
名称 等效导热系数/(W·m−1·K−1) 厚度/mm 密度/(kg·m−3) 石墨层叠体 1350(平面内) 0.34 1 850 2(厚度方向) 碳纤维蒙皮 20(平面内) 0.2 1 430 1(厚度方向) 铝蜂窝芯 1.0(z方向) 10 27 0.6(x方向) 0.5(y方向) 铝板5A06 117 2 700 铝蒙皮 117 0.3 2 700 表 4 不同辐射散热器性能对比
Table 4. Performance comparison of different radiators
散热器方案 集热热管温度水平/℃ 散热器温度水平/℃ 质量/kg 方案1 −1.5~0.1 −15.7~−10.1 3.4 方案2 −1.5~0.1 −16.2~−9.4 9.1 方案3 −1.5~0.1 −18.0~−9.2 6.3 表 5 辐射散热器不同阶段温度
Table 5. Temperature of radiator in different stages
名称 集热热管平均发热功率/W 集热热管温度/℃ 外贴热管测点温度/℃ 散热器中心测点温度/℃ 外贴热管与散热器
中部测点平均温差/℃仿真值 234 −1.5~−0.1 −9.5~−8.6 −15.8~−15.0 6.35 热平衡试验值 232.2 −1.5~0.3 −8.7~−7.7 −14.9~−14.1 6.3 在轨飞行值 236.4 −1.6~0.2 −8.9~−7.9 −15.3~−14.5 6.5 -
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