Soil moisture algorithm testing of interference signal inversion with GNSS linearly polarized antenna
- 全球导航卫星系统干涉信号 /
- 线性极化 /
- 信号幅值比 /
- 土壤湿度 /
- 圆极化
Abstract:Using global navigation satellite system Interferometric reflectometry (GNSS-IR) to measure soil moisture has become a prominent research topic. Smartphones equipped with low-cost linearly polarized antennas can easily and quickly acquire the signal noise ratio (SNR) of interference signals. The GNSS interference signals collected by the vertical and horizontal linearly polarized antennas are simulated separately, with the results of the SNR waveform and reflectivity of the interference signals changing with the satellite altitude angle under the two polarization modes. For the vertically polarized component, the electromagnetic wave is totally transmitted at the incident angle of about 65~85°, resulting in the disappearance of the oscillation effect of the interference signal. However, this phenomenon does not exist in the horizontal polarization. Then, the GNSS signals collected by the right-handed circle polarized (RHCP) direct and left-handed circle polarized (LHCP) reflective antennas are simulated separately, and the amplitude ratio of the direct reflection signal is calculated. Based on the simulation, experiments were carried out with different polarized antennas. Results show that the oscillation effect of the GNSS interference signal collected by the linearly polarized antenna is barely limited by the satellite altitude angle, providing more effective data for soil moisture inversion. The soil moisture obtained by the inversion is in good agreement with that of the isotopic data, and their correlation reaches 0.95. A dual-channel receiver equipped with a circularly polarized antenna is used to collect Beidou satellite data for comparison, revealing a correlation of 0.91. For different devices, the occupied space of the GNSS data collected by the smartphone is reduced to 1% compared with that of the dual-channel receiver, and the correlation of the inversion results is close. Since the interference signal needs a certain oscillation period to extract the direct reflection signal, the inversion results show a lower time resolution than that of a dual-channel receiver.
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