Numerical simulation of flow around two tandem wavy conical cylinders at subcritical Reynolds number
Re = 3900)研究有限长串列双波浪锥柱的升阻力特性及其流动结构随间距比的变化规律。结果表明:由于上游波浪锥柱的影响,下游波浪锥柱的脉动升力系数大幅增大,当间距比为 3时,表面时均压力系数分布形式呈反向分布;随间距比增加,上游波浪锥柱尾流充分发展,并产生大量肋状涡撞击在下游波浪锥柱表面,下游波浪锥柱产生大的脉动升力,相较于单直圆柱提升约15.3倍,阻力系数降低约0.172。所得结果可为风力俘能结构布局提供有益参考。Abstract:Regarding the arrangement of wind energy harvesting structures, based on the large eddy simulation (LES) method, the lift-drag characteristics and flow structures of two tandem wavy conical cylinders are studied with a subcritical Reynolds number (
Re = 3900) and the spacing ratio. Results show that due to the influence of the upstream wavy conical cylinder, the fluctuating lift coefficients of the downstream wavy conical cylinder increase substantially. When the spacing ratio is 3, the distribution form of the time-averaged pressure coefficient is different from that of other spacing ratios, showing a reverse distribution. With the increasing spacing ratio, a large number of rib vortices are generated after the wake of the upstream wavy conical cylinder is fully developed, causing impact on the surface of the downstream wavy conical cylinder and generating a large fluctuating lift. Compared with the single straight cylinder, the two tandem wavy conical cylinders increase the fluctuating lift coefficient by about 15.3 times, and reduce the drag coefficient by about 0.172. These results can provide a useful reference for the arrangement of wind energy harvesting structures. -
表 1 有限长直圆柱计算验证
Table 1. Calculation verification of finite-length straight cylinder
数据来源 网格数量 圆周节点数 亚格子尺度模型 Δy/Dm Δt* Nfe Re H/Dm Cdmean Clrms Case1 1 177 434 120 Smagorinsky-Lilly 0.001 0.001 2 3 900 7.0 0.749 0.0150 Case2 2 998 158 160 Smagorinsky-Lilly 0.001 0.001 2 3 900 7.0 0.757 0.0122 Case3 5 517 295 200 Smagorinsky-Lilly 0.001 0.001 2 3 900 7.0 0.757 0.0123 Case4 2 859 560 160 Smagorinsky-Lilly 0.002 0.001 2 3 900 7.0 0.743 0.0112 Case5 3 126 920 160 Smagorinsky-Lilly 0.0005 0.001 2 3 900 7.0 0.756 0.0122 Case6 2 998 158 160 Smagorinsky-Lilly 0.001 0.0005 2 3 900 7.0 0.756 0.0124 Case7 2 998 158 160 Smagorinsky-Lilly 0.001 0.002 2 3 900 7.0 0.741 0.0115 Case8 2 998 158 160 WALE 0.001 0.001 2 3 900 7.0 0.762 0.0120 Case9 2 998 158 160 WMLES 0.001 0.001 2 3 900 7.0 0.741 0.0115 Case10 2 998 158 160 WMLES S-Omega 0.001 0.001 2 3 900 7.0 0.765 0.0128 Case11 2 998 158 160 Kinetic-Energy Transport 0.001 0.001 2 3 900 7.0 0.770 0.0116 文献[15] 2 464 056 Smagorinsky-Lilly 0.0005 1 3 900 1.5 0.755 0.050 文献[16] 2 88 000 5.0 0.742 注:Cdmean为时均阻力系数,Clrms为脉动升力系数。 -
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