Abstract:An air traffic network is a multi-dimensional complex system, which becomes vulnerable due to the coupling relationship when disturbed. This research examines the structural resilience of the system to mitigate the cascading failures caused by disturbance. An air traffic cyber physical system (CPS) model is developed. The relevant indicators such as the intra-layer degree and inter-layer degree, and intra-layer betweenness and inter-layer betweenness are defined, and the cascading failure process is analyzed. The resilience of air traffic CPS is then proposed, and a quantitative assessment method is used to measure the system’s disturbance response and recovery capabilities. The performance of the air traffic CPS is compared under different perturbation-recovery strategies to improve its resilience when perturbed. The results show that the air traffic CPS network degree follows a power law distribution while the betweenness follows an exponential distribution. For both perturbation methods, betweenness recovery leads to fastest recovery of air traffic CPS performance.
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