Abstract:Application of helicopter to transport heavy and bulky loads creates various stability problems especially during maneuvering from level flight to hovering; thus, it is significant to reduce the swing amplitude of suspended loads. An anti-swing controller is designed for a helicopter with slung loads by using wave control method. A nonlinear mathematical model with four degrees of freedom for the helicopter is developed by applying Lagrangian analysis method. Then the developed model is linearized by little disturbance method in equilibrium operating points. On this basis, a state feedback controller is designed with eigenvalue configuration method. An anti-swing wave controller is then designed to reduce the pendulum angle. The simulation shows that the control of the pendulum angle and helicopter position has good dynamic performance and stability. Different biases of slung-load mass in the simulation verify that the designed wave controller has strong robustness, thus demonstrating the effectiveness of the designed wave controller.
Key words:
- helicopter slung load system /
- dynamical model /
- state feedback /
- wave control /
- anti-swing controller
表 1 仿真入口参数
Table 1. Simulation entry parameters
m1/kg m2/kg l/m g/(m·s−2) a/m b/m J/(kg·m2) $ x $/m $ y $/m vx/(m·s−1) vy/(m·s−1) $ \phi $/(°) $ \eta $/(°) 400 200 10 9.8 2 0.5 210 0 5 5 0 10 5 表 2 特征值参数
Table 2. Eigenvalue parameters
s1 s2 s3 s4 s5 s6 s7 s8 −0.4+0.798i −0.4+0.798i −0.5+0.455i −0.5−0.455i −0.6+0.3i −0.6−0.3i −1.2 −1.2 表 3 各状态量最大幅值
Table 3. Maximum amplitude of each state variable
控制方法 x/m y/m $\eta $/(°) $\phi $/(°) 状态反馈特征值
配置控制50.02 12.23 9.84 12.65 波动控制 50.35 10.57 2.32 4.28 表 4 各状态量调节时间
Table 4. Adjustment time for each state variable
s 状态量 状态反馈特征值
配置控制波动控制 x 8.98 17.26 y 18.40 23.26 $\eta $ 21.12 24.69 $\phi $ 16.22 19.36 表 5 引入s项前后各状态量调节时间表
Table 5. Adjustment time table for each state variable before and after introducing term s
状态量 调节时间/s 减小幅度/% 引入s项前 引入s项后 $x$ 26.82 17.26 35.65 $y$ 36.16 23.26 35.67 $\eta $ 25.36 24.69 2.64 $\phi $ 18.10 19.36 −6.96 -
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