Abstract:As a crucial component of the aerospace industry, we construct the domain knowledge graph in the domain of liquid oxygen and liquid hydrogen engines in order to maintain domain knowledge and efficiently enhance the training capacity of scientific research and production talents. According to the characteristics of this domain, three aspects of domain corpus labeling, domain entity recognition, and entity relationship recognition are studied. Based on the research results, the construction of a domain knowledge graph is carried out, and the application mode from three perspectives is sorted out: domain knowledge search, knowledge recommendation, and exploratory analysis. Ultimately, the building methods and application modes are proposed, and the knowledge system in the field of liquid oxygen and liquid hydrogen engines is developed. These materials serve as a guide for the intelligent transformation of the aerospace sector.
表 1 主要扩展属性
Table 1. Main extended attributes
概念类型 属性用途 基本构成 文档知识 描述获取该文档的方式,及其内容信息 文档标题、来源、等级、业务方向、存储路径、文档内容 推进剂 描述推进剂的主要成分 成分、配比、储存条件、储存时长、燃烧效率、能量效率 结构 描述发动机的主要结构技术 点火方式、燃烧室、喷嘴、冷却系统、声学系统、排气系统 APP 描述APP的基本信息和使用信息 应用名、软件平台、供应商、运营商、简介、内容语言 表 2 实验数据情况
Table 2. Experimental data status
数据集 实体数量 实体对 实体关系 训练语料 32 384 834 629 60 947 开发语料 9 102 90 640 5 275 测试语料 11 286 103 809 7 206 表 3 知识实体识别模型参数设置
Table 3. Knowledge entity recognition model parameter settings
层数Dropout 学习率 批大小 迭代
周期12 256 1024 0.5 3×10−5 32 100 表 4 实体关系识别模型参数设置
Table 4. Parameterisation of the entity relationship recognition model
$\theta ({d})$ $\theta ({w})$ 5 {3,4} 表 5 对照参数组
Table 5. Control parameter group
组别 向量维度 隐藏层数 批大小 $ \theta ({\mathrm{dist}})$ $\theta ({\mathrm{wind}})$ A 128 512 16 4 {3,3} B 128 768 16 4 {3,4} C 128 1024 16 5 {3,5} D 256 512 32 6 {4,5} E 256 768 32 6 {4,6} 表 6 知识实体识别实验结果
Table 6. Results of knowledge entity recognition experiments
组别 P R F1 A 0.852 0.805 0.828 B 0.894 0.846 0.869 C 0.902 0.869 0.885 D 0.879 0.852 0.865 E 0.910 0.869 0.889 实验组 0.908 0.882 0.895 表 7 实体关系识别实验结果
Table 7. Results of the entity relationship recognition experiment
组别 P R F1 A5 A10 A20 A 0.802 0.582 0.675 0.822 0.828 0.830 B 0.789 0.637 0.705 0.797 0.805 0.813 C 0.754 0.783 0.768 0.762 0.785 0.800 D 0.603 0.795 0.686 0.609 0.609 0.615 E 0.585 0.804 0.677 0.627 0.665 0.709 实验组 0.772 0.768 0.770 0.798 0.822 0.835 -
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