Evaluation index of accumulated water-film on asphalt pavement considering safety of aircraft hydroplaning
Abstract:The primary causes of aircraft tire hydroplaning accidents were rut deformation and cross slope on asphalt pavement, which had a notable impact on the distribution of accumulated water-film depth. At present, an acceptable range of water-film thickness of contaminated runway was given in the regulations considering aircraft take-off and landing process. The evaluation procedure of accumulated water-film was not consitant with reality. Based on feature analysis of the rut section, an equivalent water-film thickness (EWT) evaluation index was proposed in this paper considering the transverse distribution of the cumulative probability of aircraft wheel load. A series of simulation models of tire hydroplaning were then established according to accumulated water-film conditions at different runway segmentations. The difference in hydroplaning behavior between segmentations and the mechanism of rutting impact was fully discussed. The feasibility and applicable range of EWT were then examined and verified. Study results indicate that accumulated water within the rut section caused the increase of overall water-film thickness, which can seriously invade the tire print interface when aircraft tire taxing through. The outline at the tire frontier blurred and the contact area was reduced consequently. At such segmentations, the essential hydroplaning speed dropped, and the cumulative probability of aircraft wheel load was positively correlated with the reduction’s magnitude. The most unfavorable taxing segmentation shifted from the edge of the runway to the area near the central line due to rut deformation. The hydroplaning risk of EWT was only 36% to 81% of that of average water-film thickness (AWT), and the cumulative likelihood of aircraft wheel load involved in EWT was up to twice that of AWT due to the greater representative breadth of safety taxing of EWT. The proposed EWT index may overcome the defection of the maximum water-film thickness (MWT) index that can be too strict to apply. Therefore, EWT is considered more suitable in airport management practice, which can be used as a quantitative reference for runway operation safeguard and hydroplaning risk ranking.
Key words:
- aircraft tire /
- tire hydroplaning /
- water-film evaluation /
- pavement rutting /
- hydroplaning risk
外径/cm 内径/cm 宽度/cm 胎压/kPa 轴载/kN 沟槽宽度/cm 沟槽深度/cm 橡胶正定常数
压缩系数Q1116.8 50.8 43.2 1140 154.5 1.0 0.8 9.9 8.8 10−7 注:橡胶材料参数匹配Mooney-Rivlin本构模型[20]。 表 2 积水评价指标与临界滑水速度
Table 2. Water-film evaluation index and critical hydroplaning speed
道面条件 dAWT/mm dMWT/mm dEWT/mm VpAWT/(km·h−1) VpMWT/(km·h−1) VpEWT/(km·h−1) 仅横坡道面 4.7 6.2 5.1 229.2 215.7 220.3 轻微轮辙道面 5.9 11.6 10.0 217.5 207.5 209.8 中等轮辙道面 6.9 18.5 16.0 212.6 195.5 199.2 表 3 安全接地宽度内轮载累积作用概率
Table 3. Cumulative probability of aircraft wheel load within safety grounding width
% 道面条件 αAWT αEWT αMWT 仅横坡道面 58.5 92.4 98.3 轻微轮辙道面 30.2 64.1 98.3 中等轮辙道面 20.2 51.2 98.3 表 4 滑行速度峰值安全概率
Table 4. Safety probability of peak taxing speed
% 道面条件 βAWT βEWT βMWT 仅横坡道面 80.8 61.6 44.8 轻微轮辙道面 50.4 32.8 24.8 中等轮辙道面 39.2 20.0 14.4 表 5 轮胎滑水风险指标
Table 5. Risk indicators of tire hydroplaning
% 道面条件 RAWT REWT RMWT 仅横坡道面 8.0 2.9 0.1 轻微轮辙道面 34.6 24.2 1.3 中等轮辙道面 48.5 39.1 1.5 -
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