Digital twin construction of cleaning for navigational lamps with physical empowerment
机场助航灯具清洗设备工作时需要远程实时监测设备状态和清洗质量。数字孪生通过虚拟平台映射清洗设备的工作情况,而目前虚拟环境的建立仍大量依赖于数据驱动,自身缺乏感知进化和虚拟仿真的能力,且对被执行件的关注较少。针对以上问题,提出基于多物理引擎的数字孪生模型。该系统利用CoppeliaSim构建数据和脚本双驱动的虚拟空间,融合了虚拟传感和视觉检测,并通过BlueZero实现实时通信。为解决通信延迟造成的数据流阶梯跳跃的问题,提出一种基于改进均值滤波的运动同步性增强算法,内嵌在Qt建立的数据集成子系统中。实验结果表明:经运动增强后,所提系统的虚实同步误差为74 ms,满足同步性要求;清洗机械臂关节角度跟踪的均方误差为0.827°,末端空间位置跟踪误差不超过2.775 mm,满足跟踪精度要求;所提模型能够动态呈现灯具被清洗时的污斑状况,证明了所提模型的合理性,满足助航灯具清洗过程的应用需求。
Abstract:Airport navigational lamp cleaning equipment needs remote real-time monitoring of equipment condition and cleaning quality. Virtual platforms are utilized to map the operating conditions of the cleaning equipment. The establishment of the virtual environment is still largely dependent on data-driven, lacking the ability to perceive evolution and virtual simulation, and paying less attention to the executed parts. In view of the above problems, a digital twin model based on the multi-physical engine is proposed. The system uses CoppeliaSim to build a data and script dual-driven virtual space, integrates virtual sensing and visual detection, and realizes real-time communication through BlueZero. We present a motion enhancement technique based on improved mean filtering, which is implemented in the data integration subsystem provided by Qt, to address the issue of data flow ladder jump caused by communication delay.The experimental results show that the virtual-real synchronization error of the model is 74 ms after motion enhancement, which meets the synchronization requirements. The mean square error of the joint angle tracking of the cleaning manipulator is 0.827°, and the tracking error of the spatial position of the end is less than 2.775 mm, which meets the tracking accuracy requirements. The proposed model can dynamically present the stain condition when the lamps are cleaned, which proves the rationality of the proposed model and meets the application requirements of the cleaning process of the navigation lamps.
Key words:
- digital twin /
- navigational lamps /
- manipulator arms /
- particle model /
- condition monitoring /
- enhanced synchronization
表 1 部分引擎的可调参数
Table 1. Adjustable parameters of some engines
物理引擎 属性 Bullet 摩擦系数,线性阻尼,角阻尼 黏性接触,碰撞边界 ODE 柔度,附着力 Vortex 滑动特性,表层厚度 -
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