Shore-based BDS-R sea surface altimetry and weighting method of its observed values
随着北斗三号卫星导航系统(BDS-3)的全球组网完成,其反射信号在全球导航卫星系统反射测量(GNSS-R) 海面测高领域的应用也更加广泛。为研究BDS-3 B1C反射信号码延迟海面测高性能,以及多星测高数据组合方法,进行了基于B1C码信号的双天线岸基北斗卫星导航系统反射测量(BDS-R)码延迟海面测高实验。利用自主研发的GNSS-R测高软件接收机对实验数据进行事后处理,将测高结果与岸基同步观测的雷达测高仪所测海面高度值进行对比分析,并基于反射信号信噪比(SNR)和卫星高度角加权的方法对多星测高观测值进行加权计算,评定BDS-R海面测高精度。结果表明:自主研发的GNSS-R测高软件接收机可用于海面测高,基于B1C码信号的BDS-R海面测高精度有达到分米级的可能性;根据10 s观测数据平滑可以得到,单颗卫星B1C码信号最优测高结果的均方根误差(RMSE)为0.634 m,平均绝对误差(MAE)为0.507 m,多星测高观测值加权组合最优结果的均方根误差为0.538 m,平均绝对误差为0.500 m,明显优于单星观测精度,最大可提升70%,最小可提升17%;针对同一信号多星GNSS-R测高数据加权方法,应用综合考虑卫星高度角和反射信号信噪比的加权模型优于其他加权模型,测高精度分别比信噪比分段模型、正弦函数模型、指数函数模型、等权模型提升9.4%、9.5%、20.5%、35.2%。
- B1C /
- 北斗卫星导航系统反射测量 /
- 软件接收机 /
- 海面测高 /
- 加权模型
Abstract:With the completion of the global networking of BeiDou-3 satellite navigation system (BDS-3), its reflected signals are more and more widely used in the field of global navigation satellite system-reflectometry (GNSS-R) sea surface altimetry. A dual antenna coastal BDS-reflectometry (BDS-R) sea surface altimetry experiment based on BDS-3 B1C reflected signal code-level delay and the combination method of multi-satellite altimetry observations was carried out in order to investigate the performance of sea surface altimetry based on these two factors. The independently developed GNSS-R altimetry software receiver is used for post-processing of the experimental data, and the experimental results and the sea surface height of the shore-based synchronous observation radar altimeter were compared and analyzed to evaluate the accuracy of BDS-R sea surface altimetry. Additionally, the multi-satellite altimetry readings are combined using a weighted technique based on the signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) of the reflected signal and satellite elevation. The results show that the independently developed GNSS-R software receiver can be used for sea surface altimetry, and it is possible that the precision of BDS-R sea surface measurement based on B1C code can reach decimeter level. According to the result of moving averages with 10 s,the root mean square error (RMSE) and mean absolute error (MAE) of single satellite sea surface altimetry are 0.634 m and 0.507 m respectively, and the RMSE and MAE of the weighted combination of multi-satellite observations are 0.538 m and 0.500 m respectively. The observation accuracy of the latter is obviously better than that of the former, and the maximum and minimum observation accuracy can be improved by 70% and 17% respectively. The weighted model with thorough consideration of satellite elevation angle and reflected signal SNR is superior to other weighted models for the same signal multi-satellite GNSS-R altimetry data weighting method,and its measurement accuracy is improved by 9.4%, 9.5%, 20.5%, 35.2% compared with SNR segment model, sine function model, exponential function model, and equal weight model, respectively.
表 1 B1C码信号结构
Table 1. Signal structure of B1C code
信号分量 载波频率/MHz 调制方式 相位关系/(°) 功率比 符号速率/(symbol·s−1) 数据分量 1575.42 正弦BOC(1,1) 0 1/4 100 导频分量 1575.42 QMBOC(6,1,4/33) 正弦BOC(1,1) 90 29/44 0 正弦BOC(6,1) 0 1/11 表 2 B1C码信号测距码参数
Table 2. B1C code signal ranging code parameters
信号分量 主码码型 主码码长 主码周期/ms 子码码型 子码码长 子码周期/ms 数据分量 Weil码截短 10230 10 导频分量 Weil码截短 10230 10 Weil码截短 1800 18000 表 3 B1C码信号码延迟海面测高精度
Table 3. Accuracy of code delay sea surface altimetry of B1C code signal
卫星编号 卫星轨道类型 均方根误差/m 标准差/m 平均绝对误差/m 最大误差/m 最小误差/m C25 MEO 0.634 0.407 0.507 4.459 −0.848 C33 MEO 0.771 0.756 0.556 1.417 −2.181 C34 MEO 0.841 0.839 0.637 1.260 −6.710 C38 IGSO 1.097 0.921 0.863 7.104 −2.809 C41 MEO 1.216 0.692 1.004 3.923 −0.457 C43 MEO 1.446 1.166 1.027 8.603 −3.192 表 4 多星观测值加权组合海面测高精度
Table 4. Sea surface altimetry accuracy of weighted combination of multi-satellite observations
加权模型 均方根误差/m 标准差/m 平均绝对误差/m 等权模型 1.451 1.315 1.045 正弦函数模型 1.039 0.921 0.798 指数函数模型 1.183 1.075 0.867 信噪比分段模型 1.038 0.862 0.791 综合加权模型 0.940 0.785 0.716 表 5 单颗卫星测高与多星加权组合测高精度比较(07:40—10:00)
Table 5. Comparison of accuracy between single satellite altimetry and multi-satellite weighted combination altimetry (07:40—10:00)
观测类型 均方根误差/m 标准差/m 平均绝对误差/m 最大误差/m 最小误差/m 单星 C25 1.173 1.061 0.865 7.397 −7.419 C34 1.368 1.344 0.976 6.901 −7.141 C38 2.626 2.469 1.995 11.921 −10.218 C43 2.875 2.785 1.937 20.766 −12.729 多星 正弦函数模型 1.092 0.919 0.839 20.766 −12.729 信噪比分段模型 1.088 0.880 0.827 20.766 −12.729 综合加权模型 0.971 0.796 0.733 20.766 −12.729 表 6 单颗卫星测高与多星加权组合测高精度比较(13:30—15:00)
Table 6. Comparison of accuracy between single satellite altimetry and multi-satellite weighted combination altimetry (13:30—15:00)
观测类型 均方根误差/m 标准差/m 平均绝对误差/m 最大误差/m 最小误差/m 单星 C33 1.219 1.209 0.862 7.407 −6.399 C38 1.543 1.490 1.178 4.803 −6.039 C41 2.063 1.814 1.453 16.332 −8.096 C43 2.767 2.675 2.035 16.014 −10.001 多星 正弦函数模型 0.856 0.850 0.678 4.750 −3.852 信噪比分段模型 0.873 0.778 0.686 4.744 −3.362 综合加权模型 0.842 0.741 0.666 4.887 −3.522 -
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