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王琳 张庆杰 陈宏伟

王琳,张庆杰,陈宏伟. 基于领航者跟随者的群系统保性能编队控制[J]. 北京航空航天大学学报,2024,50(3):1037-1046 doi: 10.13700/j.bh.1001-5965.2022.0371
引用本文: 王琳,张庆杰,陈宏伟. 基于领航者跟随者的群系统保性能编队控制[J]. 北京航空航天大学学报,2024,50(3):1037-1046 doi: 10.13700/j.bh.1001-5965.2022.0371
WANG L,ZHANG Q J,CHEN H W. Guaranteed-performance formation control of swarm systems based on leader-follower strategy[J]. Journal of Beijing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics,2024,50(3):1037-1046 (in Chinese) doi: 10.13700/j.bh.1001-5965.2022.0371
Citation: WANG L,ZHANG Q J,CHEN H W. Guaranteed-performance formation control of swarm systems based on leader-follower strategy[J]. Journal of Beijing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics,2024,50(3):1037-1046 (in Chinese) doi: 10.13700/j.bh.1001-5965.2022.0371


doi: 10.13700/j.bh.1001-5965.2022.0371


  • 中图分类号: V249

Guaranteed-performance formation control of swarm systems based on leader-follower strategy

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  • 图 1  领航者跟随者之间的拓扑图

    Figure 1.  Topologies between leader and followers

    图 2  跟随者的三维运动轨迹

    Figure 2.  Three-dimensional trajectories of followers

    图 3  跟随者的轨迹侧视图

    Figure 3.  Lateral view of trajectories of followers

    图 4  不同时刻主体状态演化过程

    Figure 4.  State evolution process of agents at different times

    图 5  3个不同方向上的领航者跟踪误差

    Figure 5.  Leader tracking errors in three different directions

    图 6  3个不同方向上的编队跟踪误差

    Figure 6.  Formation tracking errors in three different directions

    图 7  实际消耗性能指标与性能上界

    Figure 7.  Actual consumed performance index and upper bound of guaranteed performance

    图 8  不同方法下消耗性能指标

    Figure 8.  Cost of performance index in different methods

    表  1  编队跟踪误差收敛时间

    Table  1.   Convergence time of formation tracking errors

    $ \alpha $ 收敛时间/s
    0.2 4.8
    0.4 4.7
    0.6 4.6
    0.8 4.2
    1.0 4.1
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    表  2  不同方法下编队跟踪误差收敛时间、消耗性能指标和控制参数取值

    Table  2.   Convergence time of formation tracking errors, cost of performance and values of control parameters in different methods

    方法 收敛时间/s 消耗性能指标 控制参数取值
    本文方法 9.6 742.1088 $ \begin{gathered} {{\boldsymbol{K}}_1} = \left[ {\begin{array}{*{20}{r}} { - 2.938\;9}&{ - 2.979\;9}&{ - 0.791\;3}&{0.074\;8}&{0.863\;8}&{0.389\;0} \\ {0.985\;1}&{ - 0.007\;6}&{ - 2.891\;5}&{ - 2.987\;5}&{0.462\;8}&{0.221\;8} \\ { - 0.324\;9}&{ - 0.119\;7}&{0.009\;4}&{ - 0.179\;9}&{ - 2.083\;4}&{ - 3.032\;6} \end{array}} \right] \\ {{\boldsymbol{K}}_2} = {{\boldsymbol{I}}_3} \otimes \left[ {\begin{array}{*{20}{c}} {30.011\;2}&{29.798\;4} \end{array}} \right] \\ \end{gathered} $
    文献[26,37] 12.1 797.3386 $ {{\boldsymbol{K}}}_{1}={{\boldsymbol{I}}}_{3}\otimes \left[\begin{array}{cc}-8.560\;4& -11.757\;4\end{array}\right],{{\boldsymbol{K}}}_{2}={{\boldsymbol{I}}}_{3}\otimes \left[\begin{array}{cc}8.560\;4& 11.757\;4\end{array}\right] $
    文献[27,38-39] 15.3 877.5561 $ {{\boldsymbol{K}}}_{1}={{\boldsymbol{I}}}_{3}\otimes \left[\begin{array}{cc}-5.364\;8& -9.292\;1\end{array}\right],{{\boldsymbol{K}}}_{2}={{\boldsymbol{I}}}_{3}\otimes \left[\begin{array}{cc}5.364\;8& 9.292\;1\end{array}\right] $
    文献[28] 11.9 $ {{\boldsymbol{K}}}_{1}={{\boldsymbol{I}}}_{3}\otimes \left[\begin{array}{cc}-3.170\;5& -4.354\;6\end{array}\right],{{\boldsymbol{K}}}_{2}={{\boldsymbol{I}}}_{3}\otimes \left[\begin{array}{cc}3.170\;5& 4.354\;6\end{array}\right] $
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