针对舰载机着舰过程中的航母运动、舰尾流扰动等影响,提出一种基于模型预测控制-线性二次型高斯(MPC-LQG)算法的精确着舰控制方法,开展飞机纵向通道的精确着舰控制研究。对飞机纵向动力学、舰尾流、航母运动、轨迹跟踪等,进行建模和分析。对MPC-LQG算法进行融合,以实现轨迹跟踪控制,核心思想是:模型预测控制进行航母运动补偿;设计全维状态观测,实现全状态反馈,以实现最优着舰控制。对不同的着舰情况和初始条件进行算法仿真,并与其他算法进行仿真比较。仿真结果表明,所提方法的轨迹跟踪效果很好,高度偏差0.1~0.2 m;相比传统着舰控制,所提方法动态响应快、着舰精度高。
- 模型预测控制-线性二次型高斯 /
- 甲板运动 /
- 引导指令 /
- 着舰控制 /
- 轨迹跟踪
Abstract:This paper proposes a precise landing control method based on model predictive control-linear quadratic gaussian (MPC-LQG) to address the influences of carrier motion and wake turbulence during the landing process of carrier-based aircraft. The method is applied to research precise landing control in the longitudinal channel of the aircraft. The core idea of integrating model predictive control (MPC) with the linear quadratic gaussian (LQG) algorithm for trajectory tracking control is as follows: MPC is utilized for compensating the motion of the aircraft carrier; A full-dimensional state observer is designed to achieve full state feedback, thereby realizing optimal landing control. Finally, the simulation of the algorithm is carried out for a typical landing problem, and the landing control results with different initial conditions and algorithms are compared and analyzed. The simulation shows that the algorithm proposed has a good trajectory tracking effect, with the altitude deviation at ITP being 0.1~0.2m.
表 1 操纵量约束情况
Table 1. Constraints of carrier aircraft control system
控制变量 变量范围/(°) 配平值/(°) 速率范围/((゜)·s−1) $ {\delta _{\rm{e}}} $ [−24, 10.5] −11.9 40 $ {\delta _{{\rm{Lef}}}} $ [−3, 33] +17.6 15 $ {\delta _T} $ [0, 57.3] 14.6 32 -
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