Abstract:To realize security and accurate strikes under the battlefield environment with various obstacles, unmanned aerial vehicle swarm must possess the ability of self-formation reconfiguration. The unmanned aerial vehicle movement model and leader follower swarm formation control structure are established. The cost functions of unmanned aerial vehicle swarm formation control, obstacle avoidance and collision avoidance are proposed based upon the model predictive control (MPC) framework. The pigeon inspired optimization (PIO) algorithm is used to optimize the swarm formation reconfiguration control. Based on the results of numerical comparative simulations, the proposed algorithm has shown excellent performance in formation tracking error and optimization speed. The results indicate that the proposed algorithm is able to achieve autonomous formation reconstruction and significantly enhance the efficiency of the MPC method.
表 1 无人飞行器初始状态
Table 1. Initial state of UAV
无人飞行器 $\left( {x,y} \right)/{\mathrm{km}}$ $ v/ ( {{\mathrm{m}} \cdot {{\mathrm{s}}^{ - 1}}} ) $ $ \chi /\left( ^\circ \right) $ $ \alpha /\left( ^\circ \right) $ 无人飞行器1 $\left( {3.8,4.1} \right)$ $160$ 90 0 无人飞行器2 $ \left( {2.8,4.9} \right) $ $199$ 85 0 无人飞行器3 $ \left( {3.2,3.4} \right) $ $202$ 91 0 无人飞行器4 $ \left( {1.8,6.5} \right) $ $201$ 100 0 无人飞行器5 $ \left( {1.9,1.7} \right) $ $196$ 82 0 表 2 集群编队期望构型
Table 2. Expected configuration of swarm formation
编队期望构型 $ {\rho ^{\mathrm{d}}}/{\mathrm{m}} $ $ {\theta ^{\mathrm{d}}}/\left( ^\circ \right) $ 无人飞行器1-2 500 30 无人飞行器1-3 500 −30 无人飞行器1-4 1000 30 无人飞行器1-5 1000 −30 表 3 领导者无人飞行器预定飞行速度与滚转角
Table 3. Pre-set speed and roll angle of leader UAV
时间段/s $ {v_{\mathrm{L}}}/ ( {{\mathrm{m}} \cdot {{\mathrm{s}}^{ - 1}}} ) $ $ {\alpha _{\mathrm{L}}}/\left( ^\circ \right) $ 0~74.5 $160$ 0 75~124.5 $160$ −20 125~200 $160$ 0 表 4 约束条件
Table 4. Constraint condition
${v_{\min }}$/(m·s−1) vmax/(m·s−1) $\Delta {v_{\max }}$/(m·s−2) ${\chi _{\min }}$/(°) ${\chi _{\max }}$/(°) $\Delta {\chi _{\max }}$/((°)·s−1) ${\alpha _{\min }}$/(°) ${\alpha _{{{\mathrm{m}}} {\text{ax}}}}$/(°) $\Delta {\alpha _{\max }}$/((°)·s−1) $120$ $240$ $50$ $0$ $360$ $15$ $ - 50$ $50$ $100$ 表 5 无人飞行器模型参数与避障避碰参数
Table 5. Model parameters of UAV model & parameters of obstacle avoidance and collision avoidance
${\beta _v}$ ${\beta _\alpha }$ $ {r_{{j_1}}} $ $ {r_{{j_2}}} $ 3.0 0.6 0.4 0.4 表 6 MPC、PIO及PSO算法参数
Table 6. Parameters of MPC, PIO and PSO
算法 $ {{\boldsymbol{Q}}_{{\text{F1}}}} $ $ {{\boldsymbol{Q}}_{{\text{F2}}}} $ $ {{\boldsymbol{Q}}_{{\text{F3}}}} $ $ {{\boldsymbol{Q}}_{{\text{F4}}}} $ $ {{\boldsymbol{Q}}_{{\text{F5}}}} $ $ {{\boldsymbol{R}}_{{\text{F1}}}} $ MPC diag[0.4 0.4 0.05] diag[0.1 0.1 0.04] diag[0.1 0.1 0.03] diag[0.1 0.1 0.02] diag[0.1 0.1 0.01] diag[0.0004 0.0004] PIO PSO 算法 $ {{\boldsymbol{R}}_{{{\text{F}}_{\text{2}}}}} $ $ {{\boldsymbol{R}}_{{\text{F3}}}} $ $ {{\boldsymbol{R}}_{{\text{F4}}}} $ $ {N_{{\text{r}} 1 {\mathrm{max}} }} $ $ {N_{{\text{r2max}}}} $ $ P $ MPC diag[0.0003 0.0003] diag[0.0002 0.0002] diag[0.0001 0.0001] PIO 300 30 0.2 PSO 算法 $ {N_{{\mathrm{P}} - {\mathrm{pio}}}} $ $ {N_{{\mathrm{P}} - {\mathrm{pso}}}} $ $ {N_{\mathrm{c}}} $ $ {w_{{\mathrm{pso}}}} $ $ {c_1} $ $ {c_2} $ MPC PIO 120 PSO 120 500 0.8 2.0 2.0 -
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