F 1值分别为0.8544、0.8152和0.8412,在多个指标上均处于较高水平,优于现有先进算法。Abstract:To address the insufficient shallow feature extraction of most existing algorithms, which results in noise, blurred vascular boundary and capillary under segmentation, a cross-level fusion gated adaptive network is proposed. Firstly, shallow feature information is fully extracted by the dense gated channel transformation module in the network with promotion of competition or cooperation of channels to avoid the loss of shallow coarse-grained feature information. Secondly, cross-dimensional interaction information of each layer is captured by cross-level fusion module to effectively aggregate multi-scale context features. Thirdly, dual adaptive feature fusion method is used to guide the feature fusion of adjacent layers effectively and suppress noise. The validation was performed on public data sets DRIVE, CHASEDB1 and STARE, and the accuracy rates were 0.9652, 0.9668 and 0.9695 respectively; the
F 1 values were 0.8544, 0.8152 and 0.8412 respectively. The results show that the proposed network is at a high level in many indexes, and is superior to the existing advanced algorithms. -
表 1 不同注意力机制的参数复杂度和开销比较
Table 1. comparison of parameter complexity and overhead of various attentional mechanisms
注意力机制 参数量 存储开销/106 SE 2C2/r 2.514 CBAM 2C2/r+2k2 2.532 全局上下文 2C2/r+C 2.548 TAM(本文) 6k2 0.004 8 表 2 不同数据集上的平均性能指标评估结果
Table 2. Average performance index evaluation results on different datasets
数据集 算法 F1 Acc Se Sp AUC(ROC) AUC(PR) DRIVE U-Net[13] 0.8474 0.9631 0.8302 0.9812 0.9855 0.9310 Attention U-Net[14] 0.8449 0.9627 0.8287 0.9814 0.9852 0.9299 ASR-UNet[15] 0.8507 0.9641 0.8351 0.9821 0.9862 0.9336 CFGA-Net(本文) 0.8544 0.9652 0.8326 0.9837 0.9873 0.9379 CHASEDB1 U-Net[13] 0.8002 0.9641 0.7934 0.9811 0.9834 0.8848 Attention U-Net[14] 0.8109 0.9658 0.8090 0.9813 0.9845 0.8942 ASR-UNet[15] 0.8061 0.9650 0.8047 0.9809 0.9848 0.8916 CFGA-Net(本文) 0.8152 0.9668 0.8097 0.9824 0.9866 0.9026 STARE U-Net[13] 0.8192 0.9644 0.7591 0.9888 0.9843 0.9158 Attention U-Net[14] 0.8184 0.9646 0.7522 0.9898 0.9836 0.9161 ASR-UNet[15] 0.8239 0.9653 0.7649 0.9891 0.9853 0.9201 CFGA-Net(本文) 0.8412 0.9695 0.8023 0.9886 0.9899 0.9347 表 3 不同算法在数据集DRIVE、CHASEDB1和STARE上的性能指标对比
Table 3. Comparison of performance indicators of different algorithms in DRIVE, CHASEDB1 and STARE datasets
算法 Se Sp Acc DRIVE CHASEDB1 STARE DRIVE CHASEDB1 STARE DRIVE CHASEDB1 STARE 文献[16] 0.7653 0.7633 0.7581 0.9818 0.9809 0.9846 0.9542 0.9610 0.9612 文献[17] 0.7632 0.7815 0.7423 0.9536 0.9587 0.9603 文献[18] 0.7631 0.7641 0.7735 0.9820 0.9806 0.9857 0.9538 0.9607 0.9638 文献[19] 0.7918 0.6457 0.8021 0.9708 0.9653 0.9561 0.9577 0.9340 0.9445 文献[20] 0.7941 0.8176 0.7598 0.9798 0.9704 0.9878 0.9558 0.9608 0.9640 文献[21] 0.8213 0.8035 0.9807 0.9787 0.9615 0.9639 文献[22] 0.7352 0.7279 0.7265 0.9775 0.9658 0.9759 0.9480 0.9452 0.9548 文献[23] 0.8353 0.8176 0.7946 0.9751 0.9776 0.9821 0.9579 0.9632 0.9626 文献[24] 0.8125 0.8012 0.8078 0.9763 0.9730 0.9721 0.9610 0.9578 0.9586 CFGA-Net(本文) 0.8326 0.8097 0.8023 0.9837 0.9824 0.9886 0.9652 0.9668 0.9695 表 4 算法改进前后结果对比
Table 4. Comparison of results before and after improvement
模型 F1 Acc Se Sp AUC DRIVE CHASEDB1 STARE DRIVE CHASEDB1 STARE DRIVE CHASEDB1 STARE DRIVE CHASEDB1 STARE DRIVE CHASEDB1 STARE 1 0.8474 0.8002 0.8192 0.9631 0.9641 0.9644 0.8302 0.7934 0.7591 0.9812 0.9811 0.9888 0.9855 0.9834 0.9843 2 0.8527 0.8139 0.8243 0.9648 0.9661 0.9659 0.8323 0.8193 0.7810 0.9833 0.9807 0.9873 0.9867 0.9861 0.9870 3 0.8530 0.8122 0.8241 0.9647 0.9659 0.9652 0.8296 0.8134 0.7770 0.9826 0.9811 0.9879 0.9822 0.9854 0.9860 4 0.8528 0.8136 0.8276 0.9649 0.9660 0.9665 0.8297 0.8223 0.7865 0.9839 0.9803 0.9874 0.9870 0.9860 0.9875 5 0.8530 0.8132 0.8331 0.9650 0.9661 0.9672 0.8290 0.8138 0.7839 0.9840 0.9813 0.9886 0.9855 0.9859 0.9888 6 0.8544 0.8152 0.8412 0.9652 0.9668 0.9695 0.8326 0.8097 0.8023 0.9837 0.9824 0.9886 0.9873 0.9866 0.9899 -
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