根据短距起飞垂直降落(STOVL)飞行器的特点,结合AGARD 577飞行品质规范,从操纵效能和模态特性两方面对短距起飞垂直降落飞行器在飞行品质方面提出要求。基于短距起飞垂直降落飞行器六自由度模型仿真,对飞行器在短距起降过渡状态下的操纵效能进行评估。以等效系统拟配思想,采用遗传算法与最小二乘法的混合算法,对带
L 1自适应控制器的高阶飞行器模型进行低阶等效拟配。采用该低阶模型,对飞行器在不同飞行阶段下纵向与横航向的模态特性进行评估。结果表明,该飞行器在短距起降阶段具备一级飞行品质。Abstract:Based on the characteristics of short take-off and vertical landing (STOVL) aircraft, the flight quality requirements of STOVL aircraft are proposed in light of control efficiency and modal characteristics, combined with the AGARD 577 flight quality specification. The control efficiency of the vehicle in the transition state of STOVL is evaluated based on the STOVL 6-DOF model simulation. Drawing on the concept of equivalent system matching, the hybrid algorithm of the genetic algorithm and least square method is used to carry out low order equivalent matching of high order aircraft model with
L 1 adaptive controller. Using this low order model, the modal characteristics of the vehicle in longitudinal and lateral directions are evaluated. The evaluation demonstrates the first-class flight quality of the aircraft in STOVL . -
表 1 过渡状态下俯仰控制效能要求
Table 1. Pitch control efficiency requirements in transition state
飞行品质 $\theta (1)/(^\circ )$ ${\ddot \theta _{\max }}/({\mathrm{rad}} \cdot {{\mathrm{s}}^{ - 2}})$ 一级 2~4 0.05~0.20 表 2 过渡状态下滚转控制效能要求
Table 2. Roll control efficiency requirements in transition state
飞行品质 $\phi (1)/(^\circ )$ ${\ddot \phi _{\max }}/({\mathrm{rad}} \cdot {{\mathrm{s}}^{ - 2}})$ 一级 2~4 0.05~0.20 表 3 过渡状态下偏航控制效能要求
Table 3. Yaw control efficiency requirements in transition state
飞行品质 ${t_{\psi = 15^\circ }}/{\mathrm{s}}$ ${\ddot \psi _{\max }}/({\mathrm{rad}} \cdot {{\mathrm{s}}^{ - 2}})$ 一级 2.0 0.15~0.25 表 4 F35B缩比模型机总体参数
Table 4. Overall parameters of F35B scale prototype
参数 数值 展长$b/{\mathrm{m}}$ 1.528 8 平均气动弦长$\bar c/{\mathrm{m}}$ 0.635 机翼面积$S/{{\mathrm{m}}^2}$ 0.871 5 质量$m/{\mathrm{kg}}$ 13 转动惯量${I_{xx}}/({\mathrm{kg}} \cdot {{\mathrm{m}}^2})$ 0.407 2 转动惯量${I_{yy}}/({\mathrm{kg}} \cdot {{\mathrm{m}}^2})$ 1.054 8 转动惯量${I_{{\textit{z}}{\textit{z}}}}/({\mathrm{kg}} \cdot {{\mathrm{m}}^2})$ 1.183 89 表 5 滚转通道控制效能
Table 5. Control efficiency of roll channel
滚转角改变量/(°) 速度/(m·s−1) 9.4 15 9.3 17 8.9 19 8.6 21 8.5 23 8.5 25 表 6 俯仰通道控制效能
Table 6. Control efficiency of pitch channel
俯仰角改变量/(°) 速度/(m·s−1) 8.5 15 8.4 17 7.4 19 6.3 21 5.5 23 5 25 表 7 偏航通道控制效能
Table 7. Control efficiency of yaw channel
偏航角改变15°所需时间/s 速度/( m·s−1) 1.52 15 1.5 17 1.54 19 1.58 21 1.6 23 1.61 25 表 8 遗传算法的控制参数
Table 8. Control parameters of genetic algorithm
参数 数值 群体大小$l$ 400 编码长度$e$ 13 优秀个体数目$s$ 12 交叉概率${p_{\mathrm{c}}}$ 0.7 变异概率${p_{\mathrm{m}}}$ 0.3 表 9 原系统的纵向短周期模态特性
Table 9. Longitudinal short period modal characteristics of original system
速度/(m·s−1) 阻尼比 频率/${{\mathrm{s}}^{ - 1}}$ 特征根 15 0.5376 2.2040 −1.18±1.86i 17 0.4257 1.9512 −0.83±1.77i 19 0.3423 1.8926 −0.65±1.78i 21 0.8711 2.5554 −2.23±1.26i 23 0.6625 2.2891 −1.52±1.71i 25 0.8397 2.7412 −2.3±1.49i 表 10 原系统的横航向模态特性
Table 10. Lateral modal characteristics of original system
速度/(m·s−1) 荷兰滚模态阻尼比 荷兰滚模态频率/(rad·s−1) 荷兰滚模态特征根 滚转模态时间常数/s 螺旋模态时间常数/s 15 0.760 3 10.422 7.932 8±6.769 8i 0.464 3 3.162 5 17 0.674 3 9.105 5 6.139 8±6.724 0i 0.431 7 0.968 7 19 0.649 1 9.975 3 6.475 0±7.588 2i 0.410 8 0.523 3 21 0.649 5 10.541 1 −6.846 4±8.015 1i 0.528 9 1.976 8 23 0.936 9 11.022 2 −10.326 7±3.853 3i 0.369 3 2.299 5 25 0.828 7 9.991 2 8.279 7±5.592 0i 0.304 7 4.238 3 -
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