Abstract:The security requirements of the unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) swarm system are extremely strict, and real-time fault detection and diagnosis is one of its important supporting technologies. This paper presents a fault diagnosis method based on statistical model and improved broad learning system (BLS) model. Firstly, the behavior characteristics of UAV swarm system under normal and different fault modes are characterized by multivariate data statistical analysis, and then the improved BLS model is used to achieve accurate and rapid fault diagnosis. On this basis, a high fidelity simulation verification platform is developed to verify the rationality and effectiveness of the proposed method. The experimental results show that the proposed method has obvious diagnostic advantages compared with the current mainstream methods.
Key words:
- UAV swarm /
- fault diagnosis /
- statistical model /
- broad learning system /
- simulation verification
表 1 4种情况下不同方法的诊断结果对比
Table 1. Diagnosis comparison of different methods under four conditions
方法 诊断准确率/% SAE 76.8 SVM 93.8 BLS 96.8 本文方法 99.2 -
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