在月球探测器着陆过程中,发动机羽流与月面相互作用后溅起的月尘是月面环境危害的主要来源。本文以嫦娥五号任务测试数据作为仿真入口条件,采用计算流体动力学(CFD) 两阶段法建立了嫦娥五号任务中使用的喷管 1∶1 模型和真空羽流扩散侵蚀模型,研究了喷管在不同降落高度下的侵蚀速率,并计算了发动机距离月面高度为 0.5~2.0 m 范围时月尘颗粒的运动轨迹、扬尘角和速度特性。结果表明,基于剪切应力得到的最大侵蚀速率为8.83 kg/m2s,随着高度增加,侵蚀速率降低,与嫦娥五号降落相机相同高度下的分析结果一致。粒径为1、70 ìm 的月尘颗粒最大扬尘高度分别为 0.72、0.36 m,最大速度分别为 2520、1010 m/s。不同粒径月尘的扬尘角范围为 1.44°~2.27°,计算的扬尘角与 Apollo 探月任务中的结果相近。
Abstract:During a lander landing, the plume-lunar surface interaction induces lunar dust ejection, which is the main reason for lunar dust hazards. The study adopts computational fluid dynamics(CFD) method to build a one-toone nozzle model and vacuum plume flow and diffusion model, through which the lunar dust erosion mass is investigated, and the lunar dust trajectory, ejection angle and velocity are obtained when nozzle altitude is from 0.5 to 2.0 m. The results show that the maximum mass erosion rate is 8.83 kg/m2·s and this value decreases with nozzle altitude increase, which also is consistent with landing photo results in the Chang’E-5 mission. For lunar dust kinetic properties, the maximum velocity for 1 μm and 70 μm particles are 2 520 m/s and 1 010 m/s respectively, the maximum height for 1 μm and 70 μm particles are 0.72 m and 0.36 m respectively. The dust ejected angle ranges from 1.44° to 2.27°. The ejected angle calculated in Chang’E-5 mission is similar to that in Apollo mission.
表 1 发动机喷管出口流动参数仿真与实验结果对比
Table 1. Comparison of engine nozzle outlet flow parameters between simulation and ground test
方法 马赫数/Ma 压力/Pa 温度/K 速度/(m·s−1) 地面实验 5.22 170.02 744.69 3 218.56 仿真计算 4.93 175.83 802.32 3 032.12 表 2 不同高度处月尘最大扬尘角
Table 2. Lunar dust elevation angle at different nozzle altitudes
高度/m 粒径/μm 扬尘角/(°) 平均扬尘角/(°) 0.5 1 0.90 2.24 30 1.45 70 2.24 100 2.63 1.0 1 0.49 1.44 30 0.66 70 1.44 100 1.84 1.5 1 3.17 2.27 30 2.27 70 2.27 100 2.25 2.0 1 2.82 2.02 30 2.05 70 2.02 100 2.02 表 3 Apollo和嫦娥五号探月任务扬尘角对比
Table 3. Elevation angle comparison in Apollo and Chang’E-5 lunar exploration missions
任务名称 扬尘角/(°) 任务名称 扬尘角/(°) Apollo 11 2.6 Apollo 14 2.4 Apollo 15 8.1 Apollo 16 1.4 Apollo 17 2.0 嫦娥5号 1.44~2.27 -
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