Complex equipment troubleshooting strategy generation based on Bayesian networks and reinforcement learning
Abstract:To shorten the time spent and reduce the troubleshooting cost of traditional heuristic methods, a method of generating a troubleshooting strategy based on reinforcement learning (RL) and Bayesian networks (BN) is proposed for complex equipment. BN is used for the expression of knowledge to make better use of model knowledge of complex equipment. To get closer to the real scenario, the fault probability in the failure mode, effect, and critical analysis (FMECA) of complex equipment is converted and used as a prior probability in BN. A paradigm of converting troubleshooting problems into RL problems is proposed to generate a troubleshooting strategy by using the decision process of RL. The observation-action pair (O-A) is introduced to reduce the scale of the RL problem and the action masking is set to deal with dynamic action space. Simulation findings demonstrate the superiority of the proposed BN-RL method by demonstrating its remarkable performances compared to standard heuristic methods based on the proposed metrics.
表 1 各方法耗时和维修排故成本
Table 1. Time consumed and troubleshooting costs of each method
方法 $C$ $t$ 全知决策方法 25.46 1 随机决策方法 92.83 1.67 静态决策方法 134.31 2.11 决策理论方法 45.61 37 990.20 向前一步间接观测方法 38.23 383 244.21 本文BN-RL方法 30.66 11.10 -
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