Ship’s critical part detection algorithm based on anchor-free in optical remote sensing
Abstract:Low detection effectiveness and inadequate refinement plague the existing deep learning-based remote sensing ship detection technique. To address the above problems, an optical remote sensing ship critical part detection algorithm based on anchor-free is proposed. The proposed algorithm takes fully convolutional one-stage object detection (FCOS) as the benchmark algorithm and introduces a global context module in the backbone network to improve the feature representation capability of the network. In the prediction step, a regression branch with orientation representation capabilities is built to more accurately describe the orientation of targets. The centrality function is optimized to make it direction-aware and adaptive. The experimental results show that the average precision (AP) of the proposed algorithm is significant improved over FCOS algorithm on the self-built ship critical part dataset and HRSC2016, respectively. Compared with other algorithms, the proposed algorithm has superior performance in both detection speed and detection accuracy and has high detection efficiency.
数据集 图像数量 关重部位数量
(CP-Ship)CP-Ship HRSC2016[24] 训练集 812 849 2295 2342 测试集 203 212 561 634 总计 1015 1680 2856 2976 表 2 消融实验结果
Table 2. Experiment results of ablation
算法 嵌入GCB 改进回归分支 定向自适应中心度 AP/% 算法1 63.04 算法2 √ 64.96 算法3 √ 64.34 算法4 √ √ 66.51 算法5 √ √ √ 68.56 表 3 不同算法在CP-Ship测试集上的定量结果
Table 3. Quantitative results of different algorithms on the CP-Ship test set
算法 主干网络 图像大小/像素 锚框类型 TP FP AP/% FPS Paras/106 Faster R-CNN[7] ResNet-50 800×608 水平框 411 152 65.78 19.2 41.12 Rotated Faster R-CNN ResNet-50 800×608 旋转框 425 138 68.60 11.9 41.12 RetinaNet[11] ResNet-50 800×608 水平框 387 229 60.41 23.8 36.1 Rotated RetinaNet ResNet-50 800×608 旋转框 388 162 60.61 13.9 36.13 R3Det[18] ResNet-50 800×608 旋转框 393 146 64.28 11.3 41.58 CornerNet[18] Hourglass-104 511×511 无锚框 419 1274 59.73 3.0 200.95 CenterNet[19] ResNet-18 512×512 无锚框 392 136 63.23 68.7 14.21 YOLOX-L[20] CSPDarkNet 640×640 无锚框 441 189 72.71 27.8 54.15 VarifocalNet[29] ResNet-50 800×608 无锚框 400 262 62.98 20.3 32.48 BBAVectors[30] ResNet-50 800×608 无锚框 448 198 68.31 14.5 SASM[31] ResNet-50 800×608 无锚框 397 214 63.85 13.5 36.6 FCOS[21] ResNet-50 800×608 无锚框 384 101 63.04 24.1 31.84 本文算法 ResNet-50+GCB 800×608 无锚框 417 89 68.56 21.3 32.49 表 4 不同算法在HRSC2016[24]测试集上的定量结果
Table 4. Quantitative results of different algorithms on HRSC2016[24] test set
算法 主干网络 图像大小 锚框类型 TP FP AP/% FPS Faster R-CNN[7] ResNet-50 800×608 水平框 557 93 84.33 20.6 Rotated Faster R-CNN ResNet-50 800×608 旋转框 558 199 81.82 16.4 RetinaNet[11] ResNet-50 800×608 水平框 543 151 81.11 22.7 Rotated RetinaNet ResNet-50 800×608 旋转框 467 66 68.10 21.2 R3Det[18] ResNet-50 800×608 旋转框 535 118 82.80 16.0 CornerNet[18] Hourglass-104 511×511 无锚框 521 2128 60.71 1.9 CenterNet[19] ResNet-18 512×512 无锚框 541 328 75.25 46.6 YOLOX-L[20] CSPDarkNet 640×640 无锚框 567 142 87.09 27.8 VarifocalNet[29] ResNet-50 800×608 无锚框 558 144 85.04 20.8 BBAVectors[30] ResNet-50 800×608 无锚框 561 219 86.19 15.8 SASM[31] ResNet-50 800×608 无锚框 540 431 80.40 20.0 FCOS[21] ResNet-50 800×608 无锚框 510 76 78.06 25.7 本文算法 ResNet-50+GCB 800×608 无锚框 558 52 84.73 22.5 -
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