Efficient surrogate-based aerodynamic optimization with parameter-free adaptive penalty function
Abstract:Complex constraints must be addressed in the aerodynamic optimizations. Distinct constraints not only influence the optimization outcomes but also significantly influence the optimization method's efficacy. This paper investigates the impact of reference points on optimization design results using the constrained efficient global optimization method (EGO) and suggests a mechanism for selecting reference points that takes constraints into account. Afterwards, for the problem of constraint processing, the constrained expected improvement (EI) method and the penalty function method are compared and found that the penalty function method can find a feasible solution that satisfies the constraints more quickly. However, in this process, the penalty factor has a great influence on the optimization efficiency, and inappropriate penalty factors will damage the optimization efficiency. Drawing on the aforementioned evaluation, this study suggests a constrained EGO technique utilizing an adaptive penalty function that is free of parameters. By normalizing the target value and the constraint value, the feasible solution with the smallest target value or the infeasible solution closest to the feasible region is selected as the reference point. The penalty factor is adaptively adjusted, so that the algorithm can search for the ideal solution sufficiently. This approach can significantly increase the optimization efficiency, as shown by the constrained test functions and airfoil design challenges.
Key words:
- optimization design /
- surrogate model /
- reference point /
- aerodynamic design /
- adaptive penalty function
表 1 全局优化函数问题
Table 1. Benchmark problems for global optimization
函数 维度 约束数量 设计范围 最优解 G1 13 9 ${[0,1]^9} \times {[0,100]^3} \times [0,1]$ −15 G3 10 1 ${[0,10]^{10}}$ −1.0005 G5 4 5 ${[0,1200]^2} \times {[ - 0.55,0.55]^2}$ 5126.49 G6 2 2 ${[0,10]^2}$ −6961.8 G24 2 2 $[0,3] \times [0,4]$ −5.508 表 2 函数测试结果
Table 2. Results of benchmark problem
函数 CEI PCEI APCEI G1 200(30) >124.9(2) 115.1(17.48) G3 200(30) >191.7(9) 175.3(9.6) G5 200(30) 53.6(1.75) 44.8(2.71) G6 74.6(3.55) 32.6(1.21) 14.3(0.99) G24 22.4(3.08) 13.5(1.11) 8.6(1.35) 表 3 RAE2822翼型计算网格参数
Table 3. Parameter settings of computational grid of RAE2822
参数 数值 远场大小 50 网格规模 601×213 物面第一层网格距离 5×10−6 物面法向网格增长率 1.13 翼型前缘网格距离 0.001 翼型后缘网格距离 0.001 表 4 不同方法设计结果对比
Table 4. Comparison of design results for different methods
方法 Cd /counts Cm A RAE2822 203.1 −0.0927 0.07787 CEI 113.5 −0.0892 0.07787 PCEI 112.1 −0.0916 0.07787 APCEI 111.6 −0.0919 0.07787 表 5 NACA 65,3-018翼型计算网格参数
Table 5. Parameter settings of computational grid of NACA 65,3-018
参数 数值 远场大小 50 网格规模 401×201 物面第一层网格距离 5×10−6 物面法向网格增长率 1.12 翼型前缘网格距离 0.001 翼型后缘网格距离 0.0005 表 6 不同约束EGO方法设计结果对比
Table 6. Comparison of design results for different EGO methods
方法 Cd /counts Cm 相对厚度 RAE2822 114.1 −0.0098 0.18 CEI 87.9 0.0307 0.18 PCEI 87.2 0.0303 0.18 APCEI 86.5 0.0300 0.18 -
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