Ultrasonic longitudinal torsional and low frequency torsional compound vibration tapping experiment
Abstract:In view of the low efficiency of low frequency torsional vibration tapping of titanium alloy, the ultrasonic longitudinal torsional and low frequency torsional compound vibration tapping method was proposed. To investigate the process effect of compound vibration tapping and the influence rule of parameter change on it, three experiments were conducted in succession: the ultrasonic longitudinal torsional vibration tapping experiment, the compound vibration tapping experiment with different cutting fluids, and the compound vibration tapping experiment with variable parameters. The experimental results show that ultrasonic longitudinal torsional vibration enhances the lubricating effect of the cutting fluid and reduces the tapping torque. Compared with ordinary continuous tapping, the ultrasonic longitudinal torsional vibration tapping of M3 threaded holes can reduce the tapping torque by about 18%. Comparing compound vibration tapping to low frequency torsional vibration tapping, the tapping torque can be reduced by up to approximately 30% within the chosen parameter range. The effect of compound vibration tapping on reducing the tapping torque decreases with the increase of the net cutting amount, the spindle speed, and the decrease of the backward amount.
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