Abstract:In response to the shortage of comprehensive and systematic methods for evaluating the driving safety of unmanned vehicles, an enhanced driving safety field model is proposed, taking into account the impact of the complex road factors of unmanned vehicles as well as the characteristics of three artificial intelligence (AI) system modules: perception, decision-making, and control. A mathematical model of unmanned vehicle driving safety field combining dynamic potential field and safety behavior field is established based on Hooke’s law to characterize the driving risks caused by static objects, moving objects and AI system itself on the road. The correctness and usability of the proposed model is verified by the driving safety analysis of typical driving scenarios.
Key words:
- unmanned vehicles /
- driving safety field /
- risk /
- driving safety evaluation /
- dynamic potential field
表 1 高速公路数据计算结果
Table 1. Calculation results of expressway data
高速公路 平均车速/
(108次·辆·km−1)N 成渝高速 87.61 7 23 23 0.513 石太高速 71.00 9 29 29 0.517 广佛高速 58.13 6 21 21 0.500 京石高速 93.00 15 47 45 0.547 沪宁高速 79.86 6 20 21 0.486 沈大高速 79.50 5 18 19 0.468 京津塘高速 88.70 10 32 31 0.535 表 2 典型场景当前状态信息
Table 2. Typical scenario state information
目标 $ \left( {{x_i},{y_i}} \right) $/m $ {m_i} $/
kg$ {v_i} $/
(m·s−1)$ {a_i} $/
(m·s−2)$ {\theta _i} $/
(°)目标① (7,1) 800 45 2 0 目标② (30,4) 200 0 0 0 目标③ (25,0) 1000 50 1.5 −25 目标④ (40,3) 900 30 −1 2 目标⑤ (47,2.5) 90 6 1 0 目标⑥ (4,−3) 88 15 1 0 目标⑦ (18,−4) 900 0 0 0 目标⑧ (37,-2.5) 60 15 1 −10 -
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