Abstract:Wind energy is one of the most promising renewable energy sources in China, and the main factors affecting the application of wind energy conversion are the control method and characteristics of wind turbines. This study proposes a vector control technique based on air gap flux orientation, addressing the problem that the wind turbine control method is difficult to achieve effective capture of wind energy in wind energy conversion. We obtain the mathematical model in the rotating coordinate system through ${6{\mathrm{s}}/2{\mathrm{r}}}$ vector transformation. The vector control technique of directional air gap flux is studied, the observation model of the motor-current-voltage hybrid flux linkage is designed, and the torque and flux of the motor are controlled independently. The double Y-shift $ 30^{\circ} $six-phase synchronous motor is taken as an example for simulation analysis. Results show that the proposed technique has good steady-state performance and dynamic performance when the motor is started without load and with sudden load. The proposed technique solves the nonlinearity and coupling of polyphase motor control, and improves the universality and rapidity of the model.
表 1 转速仿真的性能指标
Table 1. Performance index of speed simulation
仿真情况 超调量/% 上升
误差/%理想空载启动 1 0.01 0.011 0 突加负载 1 0.01 0.011 0.000 5 0.67 -
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