Research progress on dynamic stability of rotating variant wing opening and closing process for aircraft
Abstract:One type of wings that may spin along a fixed axis is the rotating variant wing. It is frequently utilized in the domains of aviation bombs, cruise missiles, new concept unmanned aerial vehicles, and other aircraft. Its dynamics stability mechanism of opening and closing process is a key fundamental question for the design of rotating variant wing aircraft. This paper summarizes the research progress on dynamics stability of aircraft rotating variant wing opening and closing process in recent years. Firstly, the development history of the rotating variant wing and the key issues of dynamic stability in the opening and closing process are introduced. Secondly, the numerical simulation of dynamic stability in the opening and closing process is expounded from three levels: unsteady aerodynamic numerical simulation, dynamic characteristic simulation, and CFD/RBD integrated coupling simulation progress. The introduction covers the present state of dynamic stability analysis and nonlinear dynamic modeling under the rotating variant wing disturbance. After that, the analysis is done on the wind tunnel test results confirming the rotating variant wing stability. Ultimately, the conclusion is made that scientific problems faced by the research on the dynamic stability of the rotating variant wing during opening and closing are presented, and the feasible research directions are proposed.
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