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程莫瀚 李文光 王志

程莫瀚,李文光,王志. 碳化材料的烧蚀性能参数辨识方法[J]. 北京航空航天大学学报,2024,50(4):1384-1391 doi: 10.13700/j.bh.1001-5965.2022.0474
引用本文: 程莫瀚,李文光,王志. 碳化材料的烧蚀性能参数辨识方法[J]. 北京航空航天大学学报,2024,50(4):1384-1391 doi: 10.13700/j.bh.1001-5965.2022.0474
CHENG M H,LI W G,WANG Z. Identification method of ablation performance parameters of carbonized materials[J]. Journal of Beijing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics,2024,50(4):1384-1391 (in Chinese) doi: 10.13700/j.bh.1001-5965.2022.0474
Citation: CHENG M H,LI W G,WANG Z. Identification method of ablation performance parameters of carbonized materials[J]. Journal of Beijing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics,2024,50(4):1384-1391 (in Chinese) doi: 10.13700/j.bh.1001-5965.2022.0474


doi: 10.13700/j.bh.1001-5965.2022.0474


  • 中图分类号: V250.3

Identification method of ablation performance parameters of carbonized materials

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  • 图 1  碳化烧蚀材料的分层模型

    Figure 1.  Delamination model of carbonized ablative materials

    图 2  边界层能量平衡

    Figure 2.  Boundary layer energy balance

    图 3  热响应模拟计算流程

    Figure 3.  Flow chart of thermal response simulation calculation

    图 4  碳化烧蚀材料沿壁厚方向温度分布

    Figure 4.  Temperature distribution of carbonized ablation material along wall thickness direction

    图 5  不同位置处材料热响应数值仿真与试验结果对比

    Figure 5.  Comparison between numerical simulation and experimental results of thermal response of materials at different positions

    图 6  收敛曲线

    Figure 6.  Convergence curve

    图 7  试验1温度对比曲线

    Figure 7.  Experiment 1 temperature comparison curve

    图 8  试验2温度对比曲线

    Figure 8.  Experiment 2 temperature comparison curve

    图 9  试验3温度对比曲线

    Figure 9.  Experiment 3 temperature comparison curve

    图 10  试验4温度对比曲线

    Figure 10.  Experiment 4 temperature comparison curve

    表  1  材料性能及初始条件

    Table  1.   Material properties and initial conditions

    材料性能 数值
    ${\rho _{\rm{v}}}$/(kg·m−3) 1 810
    ${\rho _{\rm{c}}}$/(kg·m−3) 1440
    ${\lambda_{\rm{v}}}$/($ {\text{W}} \cdot {{\text{m}}^{ - 1}} \cdot ^\circ {{\text{C}}^{ - 1}} $) $0.804 + 2.76 \times {10^{ - 4}}T$
    ${\lambda_{\rm{c}}}$/($ {\text{W}} \cdot {{\text{m}}^{ - 1}} \cdot ^\circ {{\text{C}}^{ - 1}} $) $ \begin{array}{*{20}{c}} \begin{gathered} 0.955 + 8.42 \times {10^{ - 4}}T - 4.07 \times {10^{ - 6}}{T^2} + 5.32 \times {10^{ - 9}}{T^3} \\ \end{gathered} \end{array} $
    $ {C_{\rm{v}}} $/(${\text{kJ}} \cdot {\text{k}}{{\text{g}}^{ - 1}} \cdot ^\circ {{\text{C}}^{ - 1}}$) $ 1.089 + 1.09 \times {10^{ - 3}}T $
    ${C_{\rm{c}}}$/(${\text{kJ}} \cdot {\text{k}}{{\text{g}}^{ - 1}} \cdot ^\circ {{\text{C}}^{ - 1}}$) $ 0.87 + 1.02 \times {10^{ - 3}}T $
    ${C_{\rm{pg}}}$/(${\text{kJ}} \cdot {\text{k}}{{\text{g}}^{ - 1}} \cdot ^\circ {{\text{C}}^{ - 1}}$) 9.63
    $\varepsilon $ 0.9
    $\sigma $/(${\text{W}} \cdot {{\text{m}}^{ - 2}} \cdot {{\text{K}}^{ - 4}}$) $5.73 \times {10^{ - 8}}$
    ${T_0}$/${\text{K}}$ 300
    $E$/(${\text{kJ}}\cdot {\mathrm{kmol}}^{-1}$) $2.60 \times {10^5}$
    $A$/${{\text{s}}^{ - 1}}$ $1.98 \times {10^{29}}$(剩余率≥0.91),$8.16 \times {10^{18}}$(剩余率<0.91)
    $m$ 17.33(剩余率≥0.91),6.3(剩余率≥0.91)
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    表  2  最终时刻不同位置温度对比

    Table  2.   Temperature comparison of different positions at the final moment

    位置/mm 温度/K 相对误差/%
    试验值 仿真值
    1 1264.8 1295.6 2.44
    5 1095.4 1188.4 8.49
    10 938.54 1020.6 8.74
    29 521.37 594.39 14.00
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    表  3  试验条件及编号

    Table  3.   Experimental conditions and numbers

    编号 热流密度/
    $\left({\text{W}}\cdot\left( {{{\text{m}}^2} \cdot {\text{s}}} \right)^{-1}\right)$
    1 5.68×106 11 15.24 1.08
    2 5.68×106 11 15.24 1.93
    3 1.90×107 17 20.32 3.77
    4 9.66×106 22 10.16 2.56
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