Abstract:In response to the difficulty in measuring the ablation performance parameters of thermal protection materials, this paper studies the identification method of ablation performance parameters based on optimization algorithms. The one-dimensional continuous model is used to describe the internal thermal response of carbonization ablation thermal protective materials. Compared with the public experimental data, the calculation error of each measurement point is less than 15%. The basis function characterisation approach uses the Chebyshev polynomial as the basis function to characterize the material’s specific heat capacity and thermal conductivity both before and after carbonization. According to the temperature test experimental data of PICA materials in the public literature, the pyrolysis kinetic parameters of the materials and the undetermined coefficients of the basis function are identified by genetic algorithm, and the parameter identification results are substituted into the one-dimensional continuous model for calculation. Compared with the experimental data in the public literature, the average relative error of the temperature curves under the two verification conditions is less than 10%.
表 1 材料性能及初始条件
Table 1. Material properties and initial conditions
材料性能 数值 ${\rho _{\rm{v}}}$/(kg·m−3) 1 810 ${\rho _{\rm{c}}}$/(kg·m−3) 1440 ${\lambda_{\rm{v}}}$/($ {\text{W}} \cdot {{\text{m}}^{ - 1}} \cdot ^\circ {{\text{C}}^{ - 1}} $) $0.804 + 2.76 \times {10^{ - 4}}T$ ${\lambda_{\rm{c}}}$/($ {\text{W}} \cdot {{\text{m}}^{ - 1}} \cdot ^\circ {{\text{C}}^{ - 1}} $) $ \begin{array}{*{20}{c}} \begin{gathered} 0.955 + 8.42 \times {10^{ - 4}}T - 4.07 \times {10^{ - 6}}{T^2} + 5.32 \times {10^{ - 9}}{T^3} \\ \end{gathered} \end{array} $ $ {C_{\rm{v}}} $/(${\text{kJ}} \cdot {\text{k}}{{\text{g}}^{ - 1}} \cdot ^\circ {{\text{C}}^{ - 1}}$) $ 1.089 + 1.09 \times {10^{ - 3}}T $ ${C_{\rm{c}}}$/(${\text{kJ}} \cdot {\text{k}}{{\text{g}}^{ - 1}} \cdot ^\circ {{\text{C}}^{ - 1}}$) $ 0.87 + 1.02 \times {10^{ - 3}}T $ ${C_{\rm{pg}}}$/(${\text{kJ}} \cdot {\text{k}}{{\text{g}}^{ - 1}} \cdot ^\circ {{\text{C}}^{ - 1}}$) 9.63 $\varepsilon $ 0.9 $\sigma $/(${\text{W}} \cdot {{\text{m}}^{ - 2}} \cdot {{\text{K}}^{ - 4}}$) $5.73 \times {10^{ - 8}}$ ${T_0}$/${\text{K}}$ 300 $E$/(${\text{kJ}}\cdot {\mathrm{kmol}}^{-1}$) $2.60 \times {10^5}$ $A$/${{\text{s}}^{ - 1}}$ $1.98 \times {10^{29}}$(剩余率≥0.91),$8.16 \times {10^{18}}$(剩余率<0.91) $m$ 17.33(剩余率≥0.91),6.3(剩余率≥0.91) 表 2 最终时刻不同位置温度对比
Table 2. Temperature comparison of different positions at the final moment
位置/mm 温度/K 相对误差/% 试验值 仿真值 1 1264.8 1295.6 2.44 5 1095.4 1188.4 8.49 10 938.54 1020.6 8.74 29 521.37 594.39 14.00 表 3 试验条件及编号
Table 3. Experimental conditions and numbers
编号 热流密度/
$\left({\text{W}}\cdot\left( {{{\text{m}}^2} \cdot {\text{s}}} \right)^{-1}\right)$持续
位置/cm1 5.68×106 11 15.24 1.08 2 5.68×106 11 15.24 1.93 3 1.90×107 17 20.32 3.77 4 9.66×106 22 10.16 2.56 -
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