针对多平台、多任务的无人机飞行控制律的快速开发问题,提出一种基于自抗扰方法的无人机控制律架构,设计了可复用的扩展状态观测器及微分跟踪器,研究对比了其在3种具有较大差异的无人机平台中的应用,使7000 kg的超音速UAV_A获得了更优的敏捷性结果,在60 kg的缩比UAV_B完成了5.8
g 的半滚倒转大过载机动飞行试验,基于10 kg的平直翼UAV_C实现了12架机紧编队的精确轨迹控制飞行试验。仿真及试飞结果表明:所提自抗扰控制结构响应快速、控制精度高、鲁棒性强,能够较好地适应多类无人机、面向多种任务场景的控制需求,且不需调参就能够获得较好的控制效果,为飞行控制算法设计提供了新的技术途径。Abstract:To provided a fast solution to multi-UAV and multi-task flight control law design, this paper presents a control law structure based on the active-disturbance rejection control method, and designs a reusable extended state observer and tracking differentiator. Meanwhile, the application of this method to three different UAV platforms is introduced. Then, the agility evaluation tests, the maneuver flight tests and the multi-UAV formation flight tests were carried out respectively. As a result, the 7000 kg supersonic UAV_A obtained better agility than the target plane; the 60 kg UAV_B successfully completed the 5.8
g half-roll reverse maneuver flight test; the 10 kg UAV_C realized the precise trajectory control with 15 meters spacing interval of 12 UAVs formation flight test. The results show that the ADRC control structure has the advantages of fast response, high control accuracy and strong robustness. It can effectively adapt to multi-type UAVs and multiple mission scenarios, and achieve better control effects without the need for gain schedule, thus, providing a new technical approach for flight control design. -
表 1 3种无人机飞行状态
Table 1. Flight state of 3 UAVs
高度/m 速度/(m˖s−1) UAV_A UAV_B UAV_C UAV_A UAV_B UAV_C 3000 1000 500 262 38 18 5000 1000 500 416 55 25 14000 1000 500 237 70 32 表 2 最小速度筋斗半径
Table 2. Somersault radius under minimum velocity
高度/ m 马赫数 UAV_A半径/m 目标机半径/m 2000 0.4 305 473 5000 0.5 335 469 8000 0.7 548 8000 0.8 663 894 -
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