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曹寅 程月华 高波 张燕华 徐贵力

曹寅,程月华,高波,等. 对地观测卫星姿态控制系统效能评估方法[J]. 北京航空航天大学学报,2024,50(5):1655-1664 doi: 10.13700/j.bh.1001-5965.2022.0489
引用本文: 曹寅,程月华,高波,等. 对地观测卫星姿态控制系统效能评估方法[J]. 北京航空航天大学学报,2024,50(5):1655-1664 doi: 10.13700/j.bh.1001-5965.2022.0489
CAO Y,CHENG Y H,GAO B,et al. Effectiveness evaluation method for earth observation satellite attitude control system[J]. Journal of Beijing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics,2024,50(5):1655-1664 (in Chinese) doi: 10.13700/j.bh.1001-5965.2022.0489
Citation: CAO Y,CHENG Y H,GAO B,et al. Effectiveness evaluation method for earth observation satellite attitude control system[J]. Journal of Beijing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics,2024,50(5):1655-1664 (in Chinese) doi: 10.13700/j.bh.1001-5965.2022.0489


doi: 10.13700/j.bh.1001-5965.2022.0489


  • 中图分类号: V448;N941.5

Effectiveness evaluation method for earth observation satellite attitude control system

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  • 图 1  卫星姿态控制系统控制模型

    Figure 1.  Control model for satellite attitude control system

    图 2  卫星姿态控制系统效能指标体系

    Figure 2.  Effectiveness index system for satellite attitude control system

    图 3  效能评估流程

    Figure 3.  Effectiveness assessment process

    图 4  微型三轴气浮台系统

    Figure 4.  Micro triaxial air floatation table system

    图 5  综合灰色关联度评估结果

    Figure 5.  Integrated grey correlation assessment results

    图 6  效能指标值对比

    Figure 6.  Comparison of efficiency index values

    表  1  机动过程效能指标

    Table  1.   Motorized process effectiveness indicators

    编号 姿态角指向精度/(°) 指向稳定度/((°)·s−1) 机动角速度/((°)·s−1) 姿态控制能耗/J 姿态控制响应时间/s 姿态角确定精度/(°) 最大侧摆角/(°)
    S1 0.138 7 0.008 5 0.885 2 0.122 8 9.400 0 0.080 0 31.263 7
    S2 0.133 1 0.011 5 0.819 6 0.157 3 14.200 0 0.080 0 31.263 7
    S3 0.109 8 0.009 4 0.950 8 0.117 5 9.400 0 0.080 0 28.178 6
    S4 0.088 1 0.017 7 0.852 4 0.074 7 11.600 0 0.080 0 28.178 6
    S5 0.149 2 0.008 5 0.918 0 0.076 8 8.800 0 0.080 0 31.253 4
    S6 0.104 6 0.010 3 0.918 0 0.162 6 12.000 0 0.080 0 32.735 2
    S7 0.124 8 0.017 8 0.918 0 0.157 3 7.200 0 0.080 0 32.735 2
    S8 0.109 5 0.018 1 1.016 3 0.116 5 6.200 0 0.080 0 31.255 4
    S9 0.098 8 0.013 7 1.049 1 0.105 2 5.400 0 0.080 0 31.263 7
    S10 0.105 1 0.007 5 1.180 3 0.169 7 10.200 0 0.080 0 31.263 7
    S11 0.121 5 0.054 6 1.016 3 0.131 7 14.000 0 0.080 0 30.252 4
    S12 0.086 2 0.010 9 0.819 6 0.050 6 8.200 0 0.080 0 31.263 7
    S13 0.085 3 0.009 1 0.950 8 0.105 8 6.200 0 0.080 0 31.282 7
    S14 0.063 4 0.015 2 0.918 0 0.105 7 12.400 0 0.080 0 31.250 0
    S15 0.106 6 0.023 6 0.983 5 0.092 3 7.400 0 0.080 0 31.243 0
    S16 0.075 3 0.008 5 0.655 7 0.044 8 5.200 0 0.080 0 31.280 0
    S17 0.113 6 0.006 0 0.885 2 0.077 2 5.200 0 0.080 0 31.280 0
    S18 0.159 6 0.027 1 0.918 0 0.116 1 9.000 0 0.080 0 32.674 2
    S19 0.275 0 0.013 8 0.918 0 0.325 7 4.600 0 0.080 0 32.674 2
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    表  2  效能指标标准化结果

    Table  2.   Standardized results of performance indicators

    编号 姿态角指向精度 指向稳定度 机动角速度 姿态控制能耗 姿态控制响应时间 姿态角确定精度 最大侧摆角
    S1 0.7420 1.0000 0.7704 0.7720 0.7067 0.8000 0.9080
    S2 0.7793 0.9250 0.6392 0.4270 0.3867 0.8000 0.9080
    S3 0.9347 1.0000 0.9016 0.8250 0.7067 0.8000 0.5223
    S4 1.0000 0.6150 0.7048 1.0000 0.5600 0.8000 0.5223
    S5 0.6720 1.0000 0.8360 1.0000 0.7467 0.8000 0.9067
    S6 0.9693 0.9850 0.8360 0.3740 0.5333 0.8000 1.0000
    S7 0.8347 0.6100 0.8360 0.4270 0.8533 0.8000 1.0000
    S8 0.9367 0.5950 1.0000 0.8350 0.9200 0.8000 0.9069
    S9 1.0000 0.8150 1.0000 0.9480 0.9733 0.8000 0.9080
    S10 0.9660 1.0000 1.0000 0.3030 0.6533 0.8000 0.9080
    S11 0.8567 0.0000 1.0000 0.6830 0.4000 0.8000 0.7816
    S12 1.0000 0.9550 0.6392 1.0000 0.7867 0.8000 0.9080
    S13 1.0000 1.0000 0.9016 0.9420 0.9200 0.8000 0.9103
    S14 1.0000 0.7400 0.8360 0.9430 0.5067 0.8000 0.9063
    S15 0.9560 0.3200 0.9670 1.0000 0.8400 0.8000 0.9054
    S16 1.0000 1.0000 0.3114 1.0000 0.9867 0.8000 0.9100
    S17 0.9093 1.0000 0.7704 1.0000 0.9867 0.8000 0.9100
    S18 0.6027 0.1450 0.8360 0.8390 0.7333 0.8000 1.0000
    S19 0.0000 0.8100 0.8360 0.0000 1.0000 0.8000 1.0000
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    表  3  综合评估结果

    Table  3.   Comprehensive assessment results

    编号 最优序列关联度 最差序列关联度 综合灰色关联度
    S13 0.910 9 0.478 8 0.783 5
    S17 0.902 0 0.479 6 0.779 6
    S16 0.935 4 0.499 9 0.777 9
    S12 0.875 0 0.494 2 0.758 1
    S9 0.834 0 0.489 7 0.743 7
    S5 0.815 2 0.503 4 0.723 9
    S3 0.774 9 0.516 3 0.692 5
    S14 0.727 5 0.534 2 0.649 7
    S1 0.703 6 0.522 9 0.644 1
    S4 0.715 1 0.556 2 0.623 1
    S8 0.668 1 0.529 3 0.614 4
    S10 0.720 9 0.572 7 0.613 1
    S15 0.709 4 0.565 2 0.611 7
    S6 0.696 6 0.573 9 0.595 7
    S2 0.561 0 0.606 4 0.461 2
    S7 0.522 8 0.586 6 0.442 7
    S18 0.502 4 0.649 0 0.374 7
    S19 0.502 7 0.750 0 0.310 0
    S11 0.481 5 0.727 2 0.304 8
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    表  4  评估结果对比

    Table  4.   Comparison of assessment results

    灰色关联分析 优劣解距离法 模糊综合评价
    0.7835(S13) 0.9464(S13) 0.9717(S13)
    0.7796(S17) 0.9255(S17) 0.9711(S17)
    0.7779(S16) 0.8856(S9) 0.9593(S16)
    0.7581(S12) 0.8811(S12) 0.9486(S12)
    0.7437(S9) 0.8370(S5) 0.9354(S9)
    0.7239(S5) 0.8360(S16) 0.9211(S5)
    0.6925(S3) 0.8351(S3) 0.9058(S3)
    0.6497(S14) 0.7981(S1) 0.8702(S1)
    0.6441(S1) 0.7813(S14) 0.8672(S14)
    0.6231(S4) 0.7467(S8) 0.8389(S8)
    0.6144(S8) 0.7314(S4) 0.8349(S4)
    0.6131(S10) 0.6635(S6) 0.8017(S15)
    0.6117(S15) 0.6548(S15) 0.7987(S10)
    0.5957(S6) 0.6533(S10) 0.7959(S6)
    0.4612(S2) 0.6289(S2) 0.7408(S2)
    0.4427(S7) 0.5991(S7) 0.7201(S7)
    0.3747(S18) 0.5165(S18) 0.6557(S18)
    0.3100(S19) 0.4686(S11) 0.5957(S11)
    0.3048(S11) 0.4300(S19) 0.5649(S19)
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